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據報, 阿仙奴會以300-500萬鎊, 羅致華倫西亞的安古路。若我無記錯, 他是可以打右中場&前鋒。
[quotefrom="kakueeken"]據報, 阿仙奴會以300-500萬鎊, 羅致華倫西亞的安古路。若我無記錯, 他是可以打右中場&前鋒。

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[quotefrom="pyliu"][quote][quotefrom="kakueeken"]據報, 阿仙奴會以300-500萬鎊, 羅致華倫西亞的安古路。若我無記錯, 他是可以打右中場&前鋒。

下? 安古路由雲尼亞尼帶佢出身?? 我都唔知tim, 請問係幾時0既事?
不過早前有傳話安古路同華西係續約一事上有分歧,就算他唔去arsenal, 都可能轉去其他球會。

雖然安古路係好,不過我都擔心他過來後, 影響左 pennant 同  van Persie 的上陣機會。其實arsenal 有$ 的話, 買右閘 同 中堅好過la。
[quotefrom="kakueeken"][quote][quotefrom="pyliu"][quote][quotefrom="kakueeken"]據報, 阿仙奴會以300-500萬鎊, 羅致華倫西亞的安古路。若我無記錯, 他是可以打右中場&前鋒。

下? 安古路由雲尼亞尼帶佢出身?? 我都唔知tim, 請問係幾時0既事?
不過早前有傳話安古路同華西係續約一事上有分歧,就算他唔去arsenal, 都可能轉去其他球會。

雖然安古路係好,不過我都擔心他過來後, 影響左 pennant 同  van Persie 的上陣機會。其實arsenal 有$ 的話, 買右閘 同 中堅好過la。[/quote]



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Angulo Not Joining Arsenal

Angulo Not Joining Arsenal

Concern about whether he would be able to settle in London was one of the main reasons for Miguel Angel Angulo turning down a move to Arsenal, according to the player's agent.

The Valencia striker looked all set to sign a four-year contract with the Premiership champions on Monday after travelling to England for a medical.

But the 27-year-old, despite revealing his admiration for Gunners boss Arsene Wenger, was not convinced that the move was the right one and decided against penning a deal.

Angulo's agent Jose Luis Tamargo said: "Angulo didn't feel he had the sufficient strength for a change of lifestyle.

"Fear overcame him that he could not fit in at Arsenal nor with the English lifestyle.

"He felt that this could affect his performance on the pitch. He had doubts before signing the contract and he believes that the best thing to do was not to commit to something that you are not completely convinced about."

Angulo has one year left on his contract with Valencia and it seems he is now keen to stay at the Mestalla, although he has yet to sign a new deal with the Spanish champions.

"Angulo has not agreed a contract extension with Valencia," said Tamargo. "The player is currently in London, taking some time to reflect.

"He has an ongoing contract with Valencia and he wants to return there because his life is there."

Angulo, who was a regular member of Rafael Benitez's highly-successful side in recent seasons, has been linked with a move away from Valencia throughout the summer after failing to agree a contract extension with the club.

"Everything was done (for a move to Arsenal), we had the club's agreement, the player's agreement, he even passed his medical," said Tamargo.

"He didn't play in the European Supercup final because he was determined to move to Arsenal.

"It's difficult to explain why he has taken such a drastic decision and we are sorry for Arsenal.

"We thank them for their understanding because, above all, happiness is more important at times than anything else in life, and in this case Angulo has followed his heart."

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Angulo 玩咩, 個人都飛左去英國先至話唔簽。
咁阿仙奴係轉會市場完結前, 係唔係無簽到任何球員?
[quotefrom="kakueeken"]Angulo 玩咩, 個人都飛左去英國先至話唔簽。
咁阿仙奴係轉會市場完結前, 係唔係無簽到任何球員?

阿仙奴今年簽左咩野人,可以去我另一個題目《SUMMER TRANSFER MOVES》果度睇到!

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早排阿仙奴買安古路, 我仲以為雲格唔俾機會賓拿特 tim, 而家他咁講, 賓拿特一定有機會上陣。至於海地同辛特羅斯, 我覺得他們唔係咁夠班,不過後防始終都需要後備, 二來他們打中堅都好, 我對cygan 已死心。至於雲派斯我唔太擔心, 始終有質素, 而且加盟0既日子短, 而家阿仙奴其實唔多前鋒, 他實有機會。最後講果個懷恩史密夫,我真係唔知係邊個。
自從睇左一場bentley ge比賽之後
希望下季o係 arsenal 會有好表現^^
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 邊個鍾意阿仙奴?

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