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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 洛城一哥真的變了快艇?(敢教湖人出新天)
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Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-12-10 11:46 PM:

我林都應該係。。。始終佢名氣一直都低過Wade同James。上年後兩者有All Star打,佢都無份打,已經好唔順氣。
係三個人ge新秀賽季,我最like ge就係melo(可能多笑容,個樣好d掛)

[ Last edited by nashisthebestpg on 2005-12-11 at 12:32 AM ]
Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-12-11 12:30 AM:

係law, melo頭2年真係未夠成熟,打奧運又同brown不和,
不過karl 黎左金塊之後,melo好似好左d~
http://www.ocregister.com/ocregi ... /article_883820.php

Bryant goes to the post
He gets everyone involved, and the Lakers win their fourth in a row.

Less well known is that Bryant huddled with Jordan in the summer about moving to Jordan's wing position in the triangle. At a Nike function, Bryant picked Jordan's brain and came away with one chief recommendation.

"Go to the post a lot," Bryant recalled.

On Friday night, Bryant put on a clinic in post play during the Lakers' fast start, posting up Chicago guard Kirk Hinrich repeatedly, drawing double teams and finding open teammates for shots. Bryant finished with eight assists, nine rebounds and 23 points - all team highs.

"Kobe was finding everybody for open shots," said Brian Cook, who made 8 of 11 attempts for 16 points and upon final exit from the game was applauded by Bryant.

In his era, Jordan told Bryant, the illegal-defense rules enabled Jordan to dominate via isolation plays on the wing. But with legalized zones now, Jordan told Bryant that life would be different for him.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 洛城一哥真的變了快艇?(敢教湖人出新天)

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