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Originally posted by lintohu at 2005-11-28 05:43:

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Odom+K.brown+$   換Garnett唔知得唔得呢??

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Hawks: Joe Johnson + Marvin Williams + Al Harrington (exp) + Tony Delk (exp). Gives the Wolves flexibility and a couple young players.
Bulls: Tyson Chandler + Tim Thomas (exp) + either Deng or Gordon. The Chicago players have a lot of trade restrictions, so I don't even know if this is possible, but it would again leave the Wolves with flexibility and good young players.
Mavs: Van Horn (huge exp) + Daniels + Harris + Christie. This one works salary-wise, but it would be better to find a combo of players that isn't all guards. Maybe substitute Josh Howard for Daniels.
Grizz: Jones (huge exp) + Wright (exp) + Warrick + Battier. Not a huge amount of talent coming back, but it does leave them with a lot of room.
Knicks: Hardaway (huge exp) + Davis (huge exp) + Frye + Ariza. This clears away virtually all of the Wolves salary obligations, and gives them two guys who will at least be starting-quality players.
Sixers: Mashburn (exp) + Dalembert + Korver + Iguadala. Somebody who knows a lot about CBA would have to fine tune this one, because it doesn't work as is, but the basis of the trade is to strip Philly of all their young players in exchange for "win now while Iverson still can."
Raptors: Rose, Peterson, Williams (large 1 year deals left) + Villanueva and Graham. Looks like a bad trade for the Raptors, but I think it's good for the Wolves, as is the point of this thread.

Odom+K.brown+S.parker/$   同上述球隊既條件唔差得好遠,不過木狼肯唔肯就另一回事。。

[ Last edited by shaqkobe on 2005-11-28 at 05:51 PM ]

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by kakeidevil at 2005-11-28 17:50:

kobe 46分,咁咪啫係好獨食
你睇Odom 11射1中,S.Parker8射2中………第二、三得分球員打成咁,唔自己攻多D連贏既機會都完全無。。。。


仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2005-11-28 18:03:


仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by nashisthebestpg at 2005-11-28 18:14:


仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by Chenjinnan at 2005-11-28 18:24:
唔唔唔... 今日 JK 好勁,差 D 大四喜...
以前邊同依家呀。。。。依家D球員平均水平都高左。。唔同之前咁差異太高。。。以前既球隊有唔少真係一個勁人都無,依家你睇-----每隊都有D人係幾打得,就算係弱隊都有D球員因為錢、條約………去左果度打波。。。因為依家既NBA規例不停咁改變,令球隊既力量拉近左。。。你係一個現今世代既巨星對住既對手都唔係乏乏之輩,命中率無以前球星其高其實可以理解。。。以前Jodran會有咩超強對手者。。但睇返依家T-mac可能會對住Artest可能會對住KObe、可能會對住Prince、可能會對住Kirilenko …………NBA實力拉近左好多啦。。。如果你搵Jordan同張伯倫比,一樣無得比。。因為張伯倫果時實力仲差距得大。=.="

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by Chenjinnan at 2005-11-28 19:08:

double technical foul 囉~

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
Originally posted by Chenjinnan at 2005-11-28 18:59:
你兩個一人少句啦,係咪想好似今日 KB 同 VC 咁?

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 洛城一哥真的變了快艇?(敢教湖人出新天)

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