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Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-11-27 21:03:2 L0 R& U( ]8 H: Z+ D' A" t

% X9 x2 a$ @0 S' w2 D4 L3 O
! D2 S8 d% o/ {$ n* o4 G' q* ^No.. I am living alone........
9 D0 `% q7 j# H' j" `( f...
) k- a) O+ K' ~9 a; a# z  C# g) L

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)


pandaZ-02.jpg (196.8 KB)
1280 x 960 PIXEL下載

Originally posted by shaqkobe at 2005-11-27 23:04:1 s* b# A1 O- B$ c! {# G( b
. c* K( ~/ a2 h0 N8 |
) w$ j7 [1 G% R& a, s, Sno ga.. living with flatmate...8 d: a  }; ^% |' S
but he's just moving out...
& w2 z0 g' s. C2 ?0 y: d- G: dwaiting for the newcomers
( D6 z1 O/ }  |+ ybut.. in truth.. it's really BIG....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-11-27 23:03:0 W1 T2 K4 V; j# w9 B  |( I3 a

8 f( W! G+ C8 S" W4 V3 v5 M5 j
; Z" }1 ^: _  Z8 i3 j; Z2 G% a  jNo.. I am living alone........$ ^, }; |! B+ m0 ^( o( i3 ~9 r( e
: M) g0 Y2 y7 ?: @
1 W" E! w) p, S/ ?哦。。。好富貴啊!!不過我都繫一個人住
why there're 10 people to download my photo???
3 x- I, ^5 K& X  PAm I too special?!!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by kaixinren at 2005-11-27 23:08:( v" n3 _" z  p. }$ T8 K6 n( B/ i

! }9 V9 e" j! ?
9 h: k, Y9 v! e- e0 C哦。。。好富貴啊!!不過我都繫一個人住
' e, G- u# J- g* J- y
# |( N$ o7 B% k0 K( Y
Well, we should know... in here... the unit.. it is at least 800 sq feet.. right? (if that's 2 bedrooms)
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
甘又系!我現在住 1 bedroom apartment, 都有600 sq。
+ z) N  ]3 V# N6 c) ~% |8 a3 Nbrightlee版主,你繫Christ! 我想問下你有沒睇過一本叫the purpose driven life?
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-11-27 23:10:
9 E: x) f/ g3 a$ R9 twhy there're 10 people to download my photo???
* y6 n  [5 l1 V" E0 `( aAm I too special?!!!
1 V+ `+ A0 a0 N+ [0 R  @5 P

) L# m6 \( O: \- f- q$ q大家唔系想睇你,可能系想睇你旁边几个女仔。
Originally posted by kaixinren at 2005-11-27 23:14:
  A* @8 v% f- x7 F  \甘又系!我現在住 1 bedroom apartment, 都有600 sq。
. d9 C5 ]& U; g% C8 X! ybrightlee版主,你繫Christ! 我想問下你有沒睇過一本叫the purpose driven life?
( m5 r" @. ?7 ?' d6 R2 D. ~8 H+ c" y& j0 ~$ h4 F1 }) n
This is a good book!!!!!!( l1 g7 F5 a8 l3 C4 x7 ]4 P
of cos I read it.. it helps me a lot!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by kaixinren at 2005-11-27 23:17:
4 d+ e% ^# k" i# {% @6 O& T
  ?% \' |) q9 `7 }* W+ r2 }- e
% P" Q7 B2 q; R! w; Q1 M大家唔系想睇你,可能系想睇你旁边几个女仔。
' J9 H3 A3 P/ s2 r( x0 ]; Vmany males and females in that photo wor!!!!
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » wall paper

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