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【Music試聽】Madonna ( Confessions On A Dance Floor )


( Confessions On A Dance Floor )

On Confessions of a Dance Floor, Madonna, the most popular and significant female artist in pop music, returns unapologetically to her roots. A stunning blend of musical styles with one foot in early disco and the other pointed toward the future, Confessions On A Dance Floor "is all about having a good time straight through and non-stop," says the Material Mom, who co-wrote and co-produced every track. For Madonna and music fans everywhere, the all-dance, no-ballad Confessions on a Dance Floor is a welcome guilty pleasure.

November 15, 2005

1. Hung Up
2. Get Together  
3. Sorry  
4. Future Lovers
5. I Love New York
6. Let It Will Be
7. Forbidden Love  
8. Jump  
9. How High  
10. Isaac  
11. Push
12. Like It Or Not  


(i strongly recommond u guys delect it after 24 hours試聽


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » 【Music試聽】Madonna ( Confessions On A Dance Floor )

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