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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 姚明重要定麥基迪重要?
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it seems to me that neither tmac nor yao ming is more important...they just can't be compared in terms of importance...they r equally important just like what skjeiw said: a left leg is as important as a right leg. some of u may say tmac is definitely more important...but i dun think so! he just doesn't have leadership...just think about Orlando Magic couple yrs ago...he was unable to lead the team ...not too sure but i remember Orlando ended up getting the worst record.
shaqkobe, in ur previous post (forgot which one), u said that we can't really compare Kobe or tmac with kidd due to different position and i dun think this statement is too right...i mean, if we can't compare players with different position, how else was jordan known to be the best!? The best simply means better than others "in different positions". itz hard to compare, but itz certainly possilbe to compare...something that can always be distinguished from a all-star player and a not so all-star player would be his ability to knock down shots in crunch time, ability to lead a team, etc..and i think these criteria might be how all-star players in different positions are evaluated...RIGHT??
where did i say jason kidd is better!? the only message i was trying to convey is that we can compare players in different positions...thatz all! and if i am asked to choose the best player out of those three...kobe would definitely be the one! jason kidd just doesn't seem to be as gd as he ONCE was after the injury..
maybe chris paul or deron williams will be the best future point guard..haha
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 姚明重要定麥基迪重要?

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