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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 真是吾明點解話Kobe勁???
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25 PTS (FG 9/33, 27.3%) also not too many ppl can do.
I can only say he is top 5 in scoring, not overall.
that percentage field goal doesn't really mean much...u hv to consider if he was double ot triple teamed during the whole game...and i'm pretty sure a lot of ppl got those %..hahah..1/4 is alreaedy 25%...haha... and i found it funny that even NBA live 2006 gives Kobe byrant top5 overall as well..hahah..
that percentage field goal doesn't really mean much...u hv to consider if he was double ot triple teamed during the whole game...and i'm pretty sure a lot of ppl got those %..hahah..1/4 is alreaedy 25%...haha... and i found it funny that even NBA live 2006 gives Kobe byrant top5 overall as well..hahah..
He was double or trippled teamed when he scored 62 too.

Who star-player wasn't always got double teamed or tripple teamed? MJ was always tripple teamed, or even 5 on 1. If you consider him as a star player, don't find excuses for his bad performance. You should also blame him for his inability to get rid of his defenders, you should also blame him for his instability.

[ Last edited by Chenjinnan on 2006-1-5 at 02:02 AM ]
well...thatz y jordan had that kind of percentage (30% lower) in couple games as well.. but owell...itz undeniable that kobe is top5 haha.. NBA LIVE 2006 GOGOGOG! hahaha
MJ's career avg: 30.1 pts (11.4/22.9, 49.7%)
KB's best season: 32.7 pts (11.5/26.3, 43.7%)

y r u comparing them??? haha...Kb is of course not as gd as MJ...but i was just saying that even jordan dou hui shoot 30% or less sometimes...so itz for sure possible for kobe la..hahah..nonetheless, he is still in the top 5!! hahahahah.. NBA LIVE 2006 rules!
itz not hui, itz wui
MJ was not as fluctuate as KB, for sure.
thatz y he is in the hall of fame.but that still doesn't change the fact that kobe is in the top 5..NBA LIVE 2006 rocks!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 真是吾明點解話Kobe勁???

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