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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » [旅遊]有冇人知道多倫多有冇街行架?[積極回應者+]
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[旅遊區] [旅遊]有冇人知道多倫多有冇街行架?[積極回應者+]

唔好同我講China Town...
Toronto o既 China Town成個大陸街市咁

[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-29 at 11:25 PM ]
Originally posted by poorguy at 2005-5-29 02:20 AM:
唔好同我講China Town...
Toronto o既 China Town成個大陸街市咁
China Town
Pacific Mall....lol..

but i don't go there often, too many car, too little parkings.....
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
Go to Queen Street, Bloor Stree (Holt Renfrew), Yorkville, harbour front.. there are a lot of places to go.. what ru talking about
Originally posted by asurada001 at 2005-5-29 03:35 AM:
Pacific Mall....lol..

but i don't go there often, too many car, too little parkings.....
I prefer First Markham place, easier to find a parking spot, and closer to home.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Yorkville is a good place to go if you are in for a relaxing time. You do have to be on Younge Street (the downtown stretch) for an official visit to T.O.

Walk around the U of T downtown campus....it's historic and good photo opt. There are lots to see besides Hart House.

And don't discard Chinatown area! Queens Street is a lot more interesting at night than day time.....

if you are in for an adventure, go to Church Street after dark....

Uptown there's nothing.....it's all HK style cafes, supermarts, and stores.....if u visit T.O. you wouldn't want to be in HK style stuff, right?

I always go Queen street...Younge Street ...Bloor street...Eaton...that area la ..
But they are so boring to me now ...i wanna find some new place to go ...
where do u guys go to play ?
Originally posted by poorguy at 2005-5-29 08:07 AM:
I always go Queen street...Younge Street ...Bloor street...Eaton...that area la ..
But they are so boring to me now ...i wanna find some new place to go ...
where do u guys go to play ?
Niagara falls la.

We just started exploring Kingston, Ottawa and Montreal. Long drive, but good for long weekends.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
i had been to Niagara falls la ..
Kingston, Ottawa and Montreal are too far lu ...
i want to find some place my fds and i can go in the weeknd ...not for long vacation..
how about dinner ? K town...?? under $18 la ...
Queen and Spadina...
there are clothing stores that sell brands like stussy, xlarge, freshjive, etc cheaper than HK
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » [旅遊]有冇人知道多倫多有冇街行架?[積極回應者+]

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