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原帖由 R-Star 於 2009-2-7 04:13 AM 發表
how come i can waive scola???

i just remember X dropped him and put the waive today
i did not notice my waive rank and consider who to drop, but put a waive for "fun"

how come no one waive h ...
i put a claim on Scola... but my rank isn't as high as yours, R-star...

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-2-7 04:31 AM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 R-Star 於 2009-2-7 05:13 PM 發表
how come i can waive scola???

i just remember X dropped him and put the waive today
i did not notice my waive rank and consider who to drop, but put a waive for "fun"

how come no one waive h ...
i used
i rank 12th
原帖由 R-Star 於 2009-2-7 05:13 PM 發表
how come i can waive scola???

i just remember X dropped him and put the waive today
i did not notice my waive rank and consider who to drop, but put a waive for "fun"

how come no one waive h ...
first scooped up Session
now can waive and get Scola...

This league is less incompetitive

Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-2-7 05:25 PM 發表
i put a claim on Scola... but my rank isn't as high as yours, R-star...
my waive rank seems to be around 5
my no.1 (stubborn harvey), bottom two should have added him

now i need to re-build the team again
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-2-7 08:25 PM 發表
first scooped up Session
now can waive and get Scola...

This league is less incompetitive

if you say like this, you should win the matchup every week
but you just lost a 3-6 to eqhigh

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2009-2-7 09:48 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 R-Star 於 2009-2-7 09:45 PM 發表

my waive rank seems to be around 5
my no.1 (stubborn harvey), bottom two should have added him

now i need to re-build the team again

if you say like this, you should win the matchup every w ...
呢度既組隊+trade方針都係清一色: 2換1﹐ 3換2... 以貴精不貴多為上策。 儘量換多幾個空位來add
FA talent...

第6名以下﹐出現斷層。 下面有人需要PG, 但又吾識add Session... 要C又可以比Mcdyess座FA o甘耐。我都吾知拒地想點...

Anyway, 我只係覺得你提昇實力提昇得太容易。

BTW - 點解我無贏? 因為呢度無野可以喚醒我既鬥心。入左playoff參與下就夠喇 - 憑每個禮拜set lineup都應該可以。我不如放多D時間響另外兩隊度﹐果邊比較有挑戰性。

[ 本帖最後由 Xtravagant 於 2009-2-7 10:11 PM 編輯 ]
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150



[ 本帖最後由 wilsham716 於 2009-2-8 02:10 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 wilsham716 於 2009-2-8 01:28 AM 發表


Yes, believe in this:
stuckey o既光輝時間就黎重現(換唔換走iverson都好, 係時間要佢揹起隊波)

Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
Used-Trojan's team is really amazing. Even with R-star on fire this week, he manage to get 4 pts... He lost FG and FT%... but if the team is doing better and get a pt in FG / FT, he could have won.

This is an interesting opponent and obviously the dark horse.
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150



原帖由 wilsham716 於 2009-2-9 01:04 PM 發表


真 ...
Haha I laughed too when I saw Udrih posted 29 pts because I remembered you dropped him not long ago.

So many guys worth picking up though. You know I wanted to give you Scola for free as well, but you never seem to respond. I remember I sent several offers to you before I had to drop him.
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 有冇人有興趣玩fantasy nba 2008 -2009

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