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原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-3-2 12:36 PM 發表

just stopped....R-star from getting 7-2 win...
Don't give up yet. You still have a chance!

6 gb only...
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-1 11:43 PM 發表

Don't give up yet. You still have a chance!

6 gb only...
6 games behind? man... that's hard.... against Feeon this week....
his team is a powerhouse....

did Electronic Unicorn win or something?

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-3-1 11:51 PM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-3-2 12:49 PM 發表

6 games behind? man... that's hard.... against Feeon this week....
his team is a powerhouse....

did Electronic Unicorn win or something?
He flogged Feeon 6-3!

But gotta admit, you have one of the toughest upcoming schedule: Feeon, Ming, T-Wolf (with the likely return of Caveman)...

[ 本帖最後由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-2 12:56 PM 編輯 ]
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-1 11:54 PM 發表

He flogged Feeon 6-3!
oh damn it...
Kobe's 49....and Singleton....

10 vs 5... no wonder...

i know.. i should aim for 7th instead....

the 6th spot is just too far.....

the only chance is for Funk Bro to have major collapse in next 3 weeks.....
but i doubt it...

Players from Feeon's team are playing against.... Memphis, Indiana, Phoneix and NY...
very challenging....

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-3-2 01:27 AM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
tough break.... X..
you lost the match up and first place too...

希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-3-2 05:37 PM 發表
tough break.... X..
you lost the match up and first place too...

The first place means nothing. As long as I can make it to the playoff with all of my three teams, that's my biggest achievement this season.

You can click into my profile to see how I'm doing ;-)

[ 本帖最後由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-2 06:21 PM 編輯 ]
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-2 05:18 AM 發表

The first place means nothing. As long as I can make it to the playoff with all of my three teams, that's my biggest achievement this season.

You can click into my profile to see how I'm doing ; ...
The move of dropping Deng starts to haunt me back.....
Feeon just added him, but Deng may be moving to the bench...

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-3-2 12:11 PM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-3-3 01:08 AM 發表

The move of dropping Deng starts to haunt me back.....
Feeon just added him, but Deng may be moving to the bench...
Just treat it as a trade: Deng <> J.Terry (but with Ming being the biggest loser, since he got nothing )
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-2 03:07 PM 發表

Just treat it as a trade: Deng  J.Terry (but with Ming being the biggest loser, since he got nothing )
last week, i cheered for Deng....
now, i boo at Deng...lol..

i can think of it as a trade.....well, i knew the risk of dropping Deng...

it just feels like Deng is taking a revenge against me... by switching sides...lol..

[ 本帖最後由 asurada001 於 2009-3-2 04:00 PM 編輯 ]
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-3-3 04:46 AM 發表

last week, i cheered for Deng....
now, i boo at Deng...lol..

i can think of it as a trade.....well, i knew the risk of dropping Deng...

it just feels like Deng is taking a revenge against me... by ...
Kinda pissed at myself that I have been missing all the gems from the FA in the last few weeks. Better get my acts together!!!

JT - all leagues
Deng - Le1 and Le 2
Chandler - Le2
All the guys from trade deadlines.

It's just that when you have 3 leagues to manage, you're usually going to be slower in one of them at picking up guys. And with Le1, it takes twice as much time to decide whether I should add for my team or for T-wolfs. By the time it's decided, bam! Someone would have scooped 'em up.

[ 本帖最後由 Xtravagant 於 2009-3-3 06:36 AM 編輯 ]
Rising Star, 5th pick overall:
G - J.Kidd 24, D.Rose 33, M.Conley 108, R.Hamilton 117, S.Curry 136, M.Belineli 173
F - K.Durant 5, C.Villanoeva 61, A.Randolph 80, B.Bass 192,
C - Bargnani 52, A.Bogut 89, A.McDyess 145, R.Hibbert 164

EF League 6th Pick Overall:
G - C.Billups 16, B.Gordon 67, A.Miller 78, A.Brooks 102, A.Iverson 115,
F - D.Granger 6, T.Thomas 91, Battier 126, K.Martin 139, B.Bass 163
C - B.Lopez 30, Okur 43, Bargnani 54, Perkins 150
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009

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