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“Instant JPEG from Raw version 1.1"

“Instant JPEG from Raw (IJFR) verion 1.1” (FREE UTILITY)

用來抽出內建於raw內jpeg 的小工具

IJFR is not a raw converter. It does not develop an image. It extracts the existing embedded JPEG that was developed by the camera and inserted into the raw file container.

What is IJFR?
InstantJpegFromRaw (IJFR) is a Windows® and Macintosh® utility that extracts
the native JPEG image that is embedded in most RAW files. The utility is available
from your cursor’s context-sensitive menu by right-clicking (or Ctrl-clicking on a Mac)
anytime a Raw file is selected on your PC.

.What is an Embedded JPEG?
When cameras are set to capture the RAW format, most manufacturers embed a
JPEG image in the RAW file for use when displaying the image on the camera’s LCD
or in a browser.
The embedded JPEG is usually smaller than the native resolution of
the camera and is developed using the camera’s image settings (ie. white balance,
style, exposure) in effect at the time the image was captured. In most cases, the
embedded JPEG’s quality setting is medium or better.

Why do I need this utility?
While there are many applications that display and output JPEGs from Raw files,
there are times when you just want to grab some quick JPEGs to email or view
without launching your browser or editing application.
IJFR does this right on your
desktop using either individual or multiple selected Raw files.

download Link




[ 本帖最後由 ivan911 於 2008-10-31 02:13 PM 編輯 ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 相機版 » “Instant JPEG from Raw version 1.1"

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