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NBA News (14-7)

C, Michael Doleac agreed to a four-year, guaranteed deal with the Miami Heat.

Twolves, T.Hudson strike a deal Parties settle on $37 million, 6 years

The Detroit Pistons will announce the signing of power forward Rasheed Wallace, who agrees to a five- or six-year deal that pays $10 million in the first year and increases by 12.5 percent each subsequent season. The overall contract would be worth $48 or $64 million.

Forward/center Etan Thomas has agreed to sign a six-year offer sheet with the Milwaukee Bucks.

Pacers guard Fred Jones will undergo left shoulder surgery. Team orthopedist Sanford Kunkel will stabilize his shoulder joint by repairing ligaments and the labrum, and Jones faces roughly 12 weeks of rehab

Free agent power forward Karl Malone is considering about joining the Spurs next season.

Golden State Warriors owner Chris Cohan announced an agreement to sell 20 percent of the club to a group of Bay Area investors.

LA Lakers forward Devean George underwent surgery on his left ankle and will probably miss the beginning of next season.

Lakers free agents Derek Fisher and Karl Malone and Spurs free agent Robert Horry, have expressed an interest in a move to Miami."
Lakers free agents Derek Fisher and Karl Malone and Spurs free agent Robert Horry, have expressed an interest in a move to Miami."
竟然有 3 個人願意跟隨肥佬喎!!??
Malone 好似對冠軍指環仍未死心
下年仲要對 PISTONS!!
我覺得o'neal離隊的話, 留在lakers 也不會有什麼前途
My nba2004 咪有排改 :x
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA News (14-7)

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