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Vieira boost
It is well over a year since Arsenal were defeated in the Premiership, and a loss that would have been especially keenly felt has been avoided with Patrick Vieira's decision to stay at Highbury and snub Real Madrid CF. "My love for Arsenal and the ties I have here were too strong for me to break," said the Gunners captain.

Money no object
Vieira's departure could have had a greater impact on the title race than even Roman Abramovich's millions at Chelsea FC or the arrival at Stamford Bridge of UEFA Champions League-winning coach José Mourinho. The latter presides over €136m worth of new talent - more than the rest of the league has spent combined.

希望今季可以o向歐冠盃有突破啦! 如果唔係Vieira又跳草裙舞就煩...

仲有... 祝Oweno向RM坐冷板凳快樂!!
yeah, 好開心, 希望今年arsenal 可以奪得歐聯冠軍。
The 28-year-old midfielder has explained to Arsenal.com that he was considering a move after eight highly-successful years at Highbury, but in the end, his ties and love for the Club were too much for him to leave.

“I am staying at the Club,” Vieira told Arsenal.com. “I’ve spent the summer considering my future and a possible move to Real Madrid, but my love for Arsenal and the ties which I have here were too strong for me to break.

“I am proud to be captain of the Club and I’m looking forward to achieving my football ambitions with Arsenal.”

Patrick also wants to thank the Club for their patience and understanding during recent weeks and his decision is purely down to his desire to stay at Arsenal.

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Vieira決定留隊

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