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Kobe's Response

Here're some notable stats from Kobe in his first 6 games

FG 40-106
FT  76-87
TO  21
AST 26
PTS 166

- without the free-throws, he's averaging (166-76)/6 = 15 points per game. Thanks ref!

- The go-to player is hitting 37.7% FG.

- asist-turnover ratio of 26/21=1.2 . He's really helping the team... by a little bit...

The response from the soon-to-be greatest player in LA:
"Bryant told the Los Angeles Times that he's been struggling with the painful condition, which is caused by connective tissue in the arch becoming inflamed.

"It's one of those things you have to jump on early so it doesn't linger," Bryant said. 'My body heals fast.'"

My respnose in four words:
full of sh*t, clown-face
u hate Kobe very much~
Kobe 係主力嘛
咁樣激左 d
你唔 foul 佢佢就會入個兩分嗟
咁樣激左 d
你唔 foul 佢佢就會入個兩分嗟
Maybe :wink:

but there's always 50% chance of getting some big-time nasty rejections... no... they weren't blocks, they're rejections: ball swatted right back into his clown-face, and then Kobe tried to hide behind other players to escape from the camera for the next 30 seconds . ...

um... like the 2 Kirilenko gave him in the first game. "Geda shi outta ere!" (A.K. must've said it twice)

Man, I've been talking too much smack on him. :roll:
After 12 games, Kobe:

ranked 3rd in the nba for turnovers
ranked 35th in points-per-shot

As he move up to tie for first place in turn-over per game, Kobe's lastest move was to "back-stab" Karl Malone, who has since decided not to play for the Lakers, if he ever comes back.

Congratz! Kobe move up to 1st place in turnovers and turnover-per-game, as the Lakers fell a full game back out of the playoff bracket!

He also dropped to 36th in the leauge in point-per-shot!
Kobe just got even better:

1st in turn over (84TO, 4.7TOPG)
37th in point-per-shot (1.33pps)


He has to the lowest FG % (.397% 1.33pps) in the top 62 player in point-per-shot. 63rd player is Stackhouse (.373% 1.19pps), 6th man in Dallas.

That's quite a bit of freethrows. Thanks ref!

and Lakers is still one full game back from playoff spot.
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