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Nudie Jeans

Nudie is the "naked truth about denim". Indigo is the living color that fades and together with your lifestyle gives denim its character. The longer they live the more character they get. Besides leather, only denim has the ability to age so beautifully - formed by its user into a second skin. Jeans are a lot more than just a piece of clothing; a pair of jeans is like a second skin, naked and personal = Nudie.

What I wanna introduce to you guys is the brand - nudie~

Nudie Jeans is a Swedish clothing brand and a subsidiary of Svenska Jeans AB, founded in 1999 by Maria Erixsson, a former employee and AD of Lee Europe and Swedish designer JC. As of 2003, the company had 12 employees, revenue of 93 million Swedish kronor and a net income of 13.6 million kronor. 70% of their revenue was generated outside of Sweden. These figures are likely to have increased massively during the past 3 years as the brand has become more popular (in 2004, Nudie's net income increased by 70%).

Nudie specialise in raw & prewashed denim jeans, but the company's collection includes many other items of casual clothing & accessories. In 2003, denim jeans comprised 70% of their total sales . The brand is, alongside Acne Jeans, WESC and J. Lindeberg, one of the most successful new Swedish clothing companies (both domestically & internationally); Nudie clothing retails in over 20 countries.

I know that they may not popular in HK but it's so hot and famous in England, Sweden, Italy, Australia and so the Europe.

Nudie Jeans is the “naked truth about denim”. Denim has the ability to age beautifully - formed by its user into a second skin, naked and personal. The longer it lives the more character it gets. The indigo is a living colour that fades and gives the denim its character. The more you wear your jeans the more beautiful they get. Jeans are more than just a piece of clothing.

As a true jeans brand, Nudie Jeans are not looking for the short-term trends. The inspiration is far from glamour and catwalks. The collection is tight, like a rock band, reflecting the feeling of everyday life. The history of jeans has always been closer to rock than fashion.

Their design goes beyond creating just a product that serves to fulfil a need or a function. The philosophy of Nudie jeans is to become part of people dreams. Jeans have a natural built-in dream and attitude. Nudie said they will stay true to jeans and all about jeans.

Price of a pair of Nudie start from~ Aus$2xx to Aus$4xx

Due to it's hard to me to just explain it in words and some photos to express how it is, I would recommand you guys to check the sites out and you'll know how attracttive they are and how the Europe people crazy and addicted in it~ (pic1 to 3 is the organic denim, pic4 to 6 is my own nudie~)

Here are the offical site and the fans' site


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hey~ that's cool~
very useful information, thanks for sharing~
Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2007-8-10 15:39:
hey~ that's cool~
very useful information, thanks for sharing~
Thanks BOYDWAN Bro~

I just wanna make this 潮人特搜 more globally, not only the HK trend, Jap trend, but the trends in this world~

I was looking for this 版區 for long time. I hope that we can share the trends in this forum with every bros n sis. As the people in this forum are from lots of country~

Looking forward to bros n sis to share their country trends in here~
Originally posted by kalos at 2007-8-10 13:55:

Thanks BOYDWAN Bro~

I just wanna make this 潮人特搜 more globally, not only the HK trend, Jap trend, but the trends in this world~

I was looking for this 版區 for long time. I hope that we can share the trends in this forum with every bros n sis. As the people in this forum are from lots of country~

Looking forward to bros n sis to share their country trends in here~

kalos Bro, no need to say anything welcome la, your post is worth for it~

This section is counting on you guys to rise it up, hope the new arrangement can make you all feel delightful & interesting, I will be glad if this can attract female members get in here~

Really thanks for our admin's work   

Have fun, pal~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 潮人特搜 » Nudie Jeans

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