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Nikon D3, Canon Mark III or Leica M8.  Nothing else to choose from.  If these 3 not your choices, simply just goto boardway and ask for which model is short in storage.
Originally posted by louiscychow at 2007-12-4 08:08 PM:
Nikon D3, Canon Mark III or Leica M8.  Nothing else to choose from.  If these 3 not your choices, simply just goto boardway and ask for which model is short in storage.
mo liu and unhelpful....

so what is the purpose of you getting a camera and what is your budget?

just a basic starting point, below are common type of cameras:

1. card size - compact and thin, image quality is ok, e.g. Sony T-series. range from about 2xxx - 3xxx usually.
2. DC - company and more function, but a little bigger, e.g. Canon IXUS, etc. price range about the same as card size.
3. Prosumer - biggest among the 3 types here and above, but provide camera function and controls similar to DSLR and come professional DSLRs, e.g. Canon G9, Nikon 8800, Sony R1, etc. price ranges from 3xxx to 4xxx. Usually comes with good lens quality.
4. DSLR - give you more flexibility on controls, also camera sensor is better, so produce better quality, but kit lens usually useless, even worse then Prosumer lens. Canon 400D, Nikon D70, Sony Alpha are in this class. ranges from $4xxx to $8xxx body only. Lens ranges from a few hundred to sometime around 10k.
5. Pro DSLR - same as DSLR but provides more professional features and specs, e.g. advance metering, faster shutter speed, more durable shutter, bigger image sensor, etc. body price starts from 1xxxxx to over 50,000. Canon 5D, 1DMkIII, 1DsMkIII, Nikon D3 are in this class.

the unhelpful guy above also mention M8. M8 is a digital range finder camera made by Leica. Leica is famous for it's M system (range finder) and R system (SLR) cameras.

range finder system is very quiet and compact due to the lacking of prism and mirror in the camera body. Instead of TTL focusing and framing, it focus by aligning two images to stack. That camera costs HK$40k just for the body and lens easily coz over 10k and sometime over 20k.
Thx a lot~~~
It is a good introduction~
You're professional~
Must choose CAnon or Nikon, both are the expert of the shooting tools
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