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[車迷區] [轉載]F360 決戰 電燈柱

perth 黎既

Originally posted by supreme12 at 2008-6-13 02:12 PM:
do you really think the skin of the cars are that hard enough to break the light pole?

If you have seen a real car accident, you would know that the skin of cars are almost as soft as card board when it hits something in high speed.

One day I was driving on the road, I was stuck in a traffic jam and stopped for the red light.  There was an accident just happened on the opposite lanes on the other side and I saw it happened with my own eyes.  Car A was making a left turn and car B hit A on the side.  I can tell you, the head of car B just flipped like a piece of paper within 1/2 a second...I could see the face of car B's driver and he probably didn't even know what happened....

if you have seen car accident so closely like I did, you'd probably realize sitting inside a car is nothing much better than sitting in a piece of card board.

[ Last edited by slwong3 on 2008-6-13 at 08:21 PM ]
Originally posted by slwong3 at 2008-6-13 07:41 PM:

do you really think the skin of...
所以d 超級跑車就係佢既值錢之處喇
但係實際上亦只會爛到去個車頭, 而個車箱絕對保持原整
基本上如果唔個d 超級地超速的話, 超級跑車其實就好安全既
就算平時d 人嚮網上果d 超級跑車分屍相,
通常都講緊係 300km/h+ 咁抄, 但係個車箱都 keep 都原整嫁
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 車迷區 » [轉載]F360 決戰 電燈柱

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