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NBA News Updated (13-7)

The Pistons and free agent forward Antonio McDyess agreed on a deal that would pay the former All-Star $23 million over the next four seasons

Trading rumour bw Knicks and Cavs
Cavs --> Zydrunas Ilgauskas --> Knicks
Knicks --> Kurt Thomas + Nazr Mohammed/Dikembe Mutombo --> Cavs

Sign and trade rumour bw Knicks and Bulls
J.Crawford sign a 6yrs worth around $55m
Bulls --> J.Crawford + Jerome Williams + Eddie Robinson (and possibly Chris Jeffries) --> Knicks
Knicks -->  Shandon Anderson + Othella Harrington + Frank Williams + some combination of big man Cezary Trybanski,  Dikembe Mutombo, and  Moochie Norris.

TWolves offer Hudson the full midlevel exception, approximately $38 million over six years and he is likely to return.

Jazz sign the 1st round pick, Kris Humphries and Kirk Snyder, three-year contracts. Terms were not disclosed, but under the rookie salary scale, Humphries will receive $3.98 million and Snyder $3.59 million. The Jazz hold fourth-year options on both players.

Heats signed coach Stan Van Gundy and GM Randy Pfund for multi-year extension.

The Portland Trail Blazers signed first-round (13th) draft pick Sebastian Telfair.

The Atlanta Hawks signed forward Josh Childress and Josh Smith, their first-round picks, to three-year contracts Monday. Terms were not disclosed, but under the rookie salary scale, Childress will earn $6.69 million and Smith $3.41 million. Atlanta holds fourth-year options on both players
Knicks 要 Crawford 做乜?
side 左 d 喎....
其實Crawford  應該可以兼打得分後衛, 這樣NY 就會同時擁有2個雙能衛, 有助馬貝利的發揮。馬貝利可以在進攻時成為得分後衛, 不用兼顧控球工作, 專心取分。防守時則由Crawford  負責防守對方的得分後衛。

無論如何, 這交易對NY都是有利的, 問題是 bulls 似乎沒有什麼得益, 還失去了Crawford。
crawford replaces houston as starter...
咁 allan houston 打小前鋒?
其實 Crawford 係公牛成日都扮大佬
死帶爛帶 死射爛射
對於 bulls 都冇用
又可以用多  d  新人....
[quotefrom="hermit"]crawford replaces houston as starter...
係woh, 仲有houston, 呢個 "物無所值" 0既千萬年薪射手,
想trade 走他都難。
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA News Updated (13-7)

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