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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo 英超聯 (2006- 2007)
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Total: +75
Post9: 54/75

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Post10: 60/75

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Post11: 66/75

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Post12: 72/75

Total: +75
Post13: 75/75
快d開新post la...

Hey brightlee & all brothers,

Sorry to inform u guys that I wont be able to calculate the point for the New Season YFF!
Hope someone will take away this job or u guys can share on it!

Here comes my advise,
Guess u all knows that 'most of the member join this private group is for 26FUN Point and Not for Fun and friendship',
I mean the feel of competitive is much higher than making fun and create friendship within this group?
What do u guys get after the whole season other than 26FUN Point?

Maybe some new rules or what is neccessary to prevent this happen again and to meet the goal of the private group?
Maybe u guys should have some filter-004ion on how to run the game well, all the rules or even reward system before create the new group for the new season?
Still have 2weeks to go, right ?
So dont have to be rush.

And I guess the role of the person who create the group is very important!
He should kick those who give up on half way out of the group and at the same time provide chances to other member!
(Provided the he could do so)

Well, if u guys think that all these is not neccessary then please ignore my message...
HaHa, Good Luck ah!~
yes, time is flying!!!
Similar as last year...
I think all the rules and KeiKa can help us to add points
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Time really pass very fast.This new season already third for me.Hope we have a good game.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Yahoo 英超聯 (2006- 2007)

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