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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 潮人特搜 » 我最愛男性時裝雜誌
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Originally posted by seafireson2 at 2007-8-16 03:42 PM:

我見cool 同cool trans 個logo一樣0...
mens non no is one of the most famous male fashion magazine in jap, the clothes inside are more formal and elegant, like suits or shirts and polo's ...etc, but mostly introducing japanese brands

Get On is a little similiar, also with more formal clothes

Cool trans on the other hand has more casual clothings like shorts, tees and jeans

Get On is not so popular in HK in think, but since im in australia, there are quite many japanese magazines to choose from

Try to grab a mens non no, if u like clothes which are more sophisticated and elegant, u will like it!
可惜 冇<君子>同man's beauty..
我還是選ms man's style好了...這方面真接觸的不多
Originally posted by lky010185 at 2007-8-18 04:31 PM:
因為佢成日用d model 係最型果d.....好似edison janice man 咁
so good, i like it.
JOKER,mens non no 都唔錯
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 潮人特搜 » 我最愛男性時裝雜誌

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