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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 潮人特搜 » 【銀包】男仔用地圖定Burberry好?
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原帖由 yeung hiu he 於 2008-3-5 03:13 PM 發表
其實銀包不用太追求名牌, 用到便可!
可能我係名牌銀包的剋星, 記得女友
上年生日送左個PATRICK COX的銀包
比我, 不到兩個月個銀包已經溶溶爛爛,
因為我長時間放在屁股位, 長期令到個
銀包變左形, 連D 咭都有一些都爆 ...
no offense but i really dont think patrickcox is a "名牌". so its acceptable if it got damged easily.
and most importantly it depends on what material they use instead of wt brand it is.
if its only abt quality for consideration, i would say a lot of brands have good quality,
but it's also true that "名牌" normally have better quality.
take wallet as an example, someone mentioned LV.
yes for sure LV and Hermes do have excellent quality, as "good quality leather" are used for those products, also most of them are hand-made products.(thus more care is given during the production process)
I would then rank LV, Hermes > chanel > gucci, prada >burberry > others (wallet)
Chanel looks good but it's not that durable compared with LV n hermes wallets.
gucci prada n burberry are not that good in terms of quailty of wallets.

however from the only 2 choices that given, I would recommend Burberry.
I guess your budget should be around 1000hkd,
try Paul Smith, DiorHomme (i personally dont recommend) or MM, these should be within ur budget.

[ 本帖最後由 Kev 於 2008-12-3 08:33 AM 編輯 ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 潮人特搜 » 【銀包】男仔用地圖定Burberry好?

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