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Ronaldo claims bribery by transvestite hooker

Police are investigating claims by AC Milan striker Ronaldo that a transvestite prostitute sought to extort money from him following an altercation at a Rio de Janeiro motel.

Police inspector Carlos Augusto Nogueira said that Ronaldo, who is recuperating from a knee injury in his homeland, contracted the services of three transvestites - believing them to be women - and took them to a motel.

However, Ronaldo is then said to have tried to get out of the situation after one of the men went in search of drugs.

Two of them accepted pay-offs of 1,000 reais (US 600), but Ronaldo has claimed that the third, named as Andreia Albertini, demanded 50,000 reais (US 30,000) and threatened to post a video on the internet if he was not paid.

The police also said that the transvestites have claimed that Ronaldo threatened to hurt them.

Nogueira said that Ronaldo had not committed any crimes by contracting the men, but he is looking into other claims.

'He just wanted to have fun and meet some other people outside his usual environment,' Nogueira said. 'There is no crime at all.'

He added: 'He (Ronaldo) is quite shocked. He said he just wanted to have some fun and for the press not to be informed about this.

'Ronaldo told me he is suffering some psychological problems as a result of his injury.'
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » 朗拿度叫雞叫到人妖

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