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多謝你地不斷reject我o既offer, 令我隊波o既實力不至削弱

deron+aldridge/oden > howard+bibby
wilcox/scola > gooden
deng > thornton
j green+westbrook > foye > bibby

個foye trade唔係太差, 不過foye/barbosa今年都會slow start, 俾時間foye發展會好過green同westbrook (我o係le2有j green, 有時都想drop左佢 )
另一方面warrick好過tim thomas(camby返黎), 可能kg知道d消息我唔知啦

accept人地個foye trade又唔accept我個roy trade
原帖由 kgkgkg212121 於 2008-11-4 09:45 PM 發表
sorry呀  ,因為果時我想睇多陣先
諗咁耐先reject, 就好似見完工等極都未有消息
原帖由 eqhigh 於 2008-11-4 10:04 PM 發表
Offer 我啦
我隊波等一個半fa球員(drop錯左de.west, 不過n.young可能會更適合)
但你隊波o既半fa球員有daniels, love, wilcox, fisher, felton (全部都係marginal fantasy player "食之無味, 棄之可惜), 仲有inconsistent o既odom, crawford, gordon, scola, yi (total 10個球員有問題 ), 你隊波點知rebuild咁簡單

較為有興趣o既得boozer, 但佢o既數據連randolph都有 (20 10), 所以你要rebuild一定要放走d球星再執過
之前見人用gordon trade jr smith, 我覺得都係一個好trade

見倒kg另一個trade, 唔怪得trade唔倒roy啦, 輸得心服口服

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2008-11-4 10:37 PM 編輯 ]
兩大愛將 deron 同 melo 今年都用唔倒
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-11-5 01:08 PM 發表
Expect me to make move after Friday
I'm killing Rubio in the other league...so mentally, I'm feeling good
le1 settle左, 黎緊可以執下le2隊波
希望le2 d offer多d人理啦~

eqhigh同bobs個trade, 令我有種感覺.... 垃圾trade垃圾, trade同唔trade都冇分別

de.west如我想像中有人waive左, 佢係一個幾好o既球員, 不過ast太低(遲d應該會好d)

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2008-11-5 07:54 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-11-5 08:01 PM 發表
felton有幾差已經講左幾次, 今次講下alston
成32歲人, 打左10年波, 除左控球幾好之外, 乜都冇進步過(希望conley唔好係咁)
傷患同場外紀律唔講, 淨係今年陣形對佢都好大影響
t-mac打多左控球, 進攻也以yao同artest為中心, 今年作用只在於傳下波射下3分, 有限幫助o既同時又帶黎破壞(fg, to), 兩個都有資格做fa

岩岩俾人簽左o既de.west故然高佢地一班, 就算要trade都大想頭d簽l.williams啦
原帖由 Rated-R 於 2008-11-5 05:33 PM 發表
可以部署week 3了,今week打少勁多場,痴痴地
黎緊36場vs35場, 差唔多姐; 之前10場vs7場, total4場都唔算好多姐

不過draft/trade時諗住完全放棄3pt, 依兩週o既表現有少少意外
as j green and foye will play better as time goes by, and westbrook is a decent 3rd pg, i think the trade is acceptable (at least far away from should be being rejected)

maybe it's due to "big-name effect", or coz you won in the first trade, others afraid you would be too strong that they can't chase you and thus...
i got this experience two years before , thereafter people afraid to make trades with me even though the offer is good to them in these two years

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2008-11-6 08:52 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 Rated-R 於 2008-11-5 11:00 PM 發表
見你份人冇乜野,等我呢個比D靚仔靚妹先上神枱既街場仔教你一招長遠策略,在fa sign 5 Player,5選2-3個,順實用度排列
5.Kapono ...
點解唔講nesterovic o既
i think the problem he faced is who to drop more than who to add, as i said he has too many marginal players
原帖由 feeon 於 2008-11-5 10:46 PM 發表
Carmelo Anthony says he wants to score 44 points on Wednesday in honor of Barack Obama being elected as 44th president of the United States.

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2008-11-6 08:57 AM 編輯 ]
X... about half of the players are surprised about the veto, thus I can only say...
accept the goods as well as the bads

yet it is interesting that different people said different side is the better side

btw, the C position is added

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2008-11-6 07:53 PM 編輯 ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009

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