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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009
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原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-11-18 05:46 PM 發表

he didn't mean that... i dunno what he mean either...
he means the purpose of trade proposal
原帖由 eqhigh 於 2008-11-19 08:15 PM 發表

Need to say thank you again~

But should I waive him?

人地講緊waive邊個(一個long term, 一個immediate help)
你又走黎問好唔好waive, 唔人點答你

可以一試, 但將來o既野冇人知
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-11-20 05:19 PM 發表
簽D.Arthur呢個move我有D猶豫...但拒既stl + blk 可以好好配合J.Smith...反而好似Murray呢類射手差吾多個個week都可以簽返來頂替...所以無左都應該吾會太可惜。

唯一驚既就係Arthur吾穩定minutes... 無論如何我覺得 ...
一個add/drop冇左唔會太可惜, 橫掂差唔多個個禮拜都仲可以add/drop
原帖由 feeon 於 2008-11-20 06:08 PM 發表
a very responsible helper! RR team should back on track after your fine tune..
poor that we can join the waive party today
C: Mcgee
PF: Jamison
SF: Butler
SG: Young
PG: Arenas

依個陣都唔錯, 不過差d防守球員
round5 draft love將會成為你將大o既包袱
原帖由 asurada001 於 2008-11-22 02:13 AM 發表
someone finally give up on stuckey?

haha, Anthony Morrow's usefulness may be over soon...
0pts 5to is a shame

how can i not to add f.garcia given that the kings starts greene at SF
原帖由 asurada001 於 2008-11-22 01:16 PM 發表
you and X were like hyping him like on top of the world last month...  how hard he has fallen now...
did i?
i just expect 4ast from him but he never give me
原帖由 feeon 於 2008-11-22 02:32 PM 發表
I think there are more to come for the next couple of days....i expect knicks, clippers, nets and bobcats will make another big one
knicks - marbury
clippers - kaman
nets - sean williams
bobcats - gwallace
dallas - stackhouse
rr 同 x 好唔夾, 一個add一個drop
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009

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