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原帖由 eqhigh 於 2008-12-17 07:33 PM 發表
For Erick first...

係我心目中,Ben Gordon同Hamilton真係唔差好遠,最大差別就係3ptm,但偏偏3ptm已經係我既最大強項
- 知你對某些球員有不滿, 夸何FA沒有好球員可替換
- 知你對某球員信心未夠, 故出某球員俾你拍住上

- 你隊波keep住咁多邊緣球員對長遠發展唔好, 此舉可以增強bench power同穩定性; 不過如果你hesitate就唔好換
原帖由 Rated-R 於 2008-12-18 08:12 PM 發表
pity that the brand trade cannot be processed and many said it is unfair

as it is brand who get injuried now, i think you can propose the offer again   (given that i am still high on chandler )

for your trade, not sure if it is wise to trade offensive stats for defensive stats
原帖由 Rated-R 於 2008-12-18 11:21 PM 發表
Darius Miles ,Travis Outlaw ,Antonio McDyess三選一
你仲有邊個好drop呀? walton? 岩岩先add咋喎

咁睇唔好brand o既話, 不如add l.williams (pts-based)
forward o既話我會先揀mcdyess (雖然每場得25-30分鐘, 勝在關鍵時間有得出, reb,stl,blk都穩定)
其次可考慮outlaw, wilcox
原帖由 eqhigh 於 2008-12-19 07:58 PM 發表
X offer the trade?
email看到的話, 左邊是出offer者
fantasy league入面看到的話, 上面是出offer者
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-12-20 03:58 AM 發表
RR: the proposal was intended to prevent you dropping Brand. I guess the league believe Brand's value is higher than Lopez. So you can make offer of Brand and target players who is better:

J.On ...
if you propose this offer to test brand's market, you are playing us
if you are intended to get brand by lopez (whose future is not guaranteed), it won't be as fair as the previous 3v3 trade
if i am the commisioner, i would suggest him to drop walton instead of brand, but not propose this trade...

i can't believe l.williams is being added so late

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2008-12-20 12:13 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 terryjog06 於 2008-12-20 12:05 PM 發表

如果唔出baron, howard(兩個都帶住我隊波), 你有冇idea?
原帖由 terryjog06 於 2008-12-20 12:29 PM 發表

howard lead倒隊波o既blk, deron lead唔倒隊波o既ast

原帖由 feeon 於 2008-12-21 11:39 AM 發表
比一日時間我....因為今朝做左個超低能move, 我要諗諗
冇野好講, 一定會比人waive左
原帖由 eqhigh 於 2008-12-21 11:50 AM 發表
Daniels, Alston, Boozer, Miller

And look at today's K.Love & Scola...

原帖由 fantesticming05 於 2008-12-21 11:58 AM 發表
哈, 你想換咩 ?
佢訓醒覺發覺deron真係唔岩佢隊波, 終於肯用佢換big man
原帖由 feeon 於 2008-12-21 12:04 PM 發表
只有x兄或秋兄能幫忙 ...不過責任始終在我.......人地唔幫亦不能怪人..
秋兄要用#1 waive完俾番你, 你諗倒一個好d o既解決方法 e.g.discount price先可以攞得番

你最好提議埋人地可以點幫, otherwise...
原帖由 terryjog06 於 2008-12-21 12:17 PM 發表
20PTS 10REB player

唔係話deron o既value冇咁高, 而係人地draft時都已經圍繞住某d球員黎draft
deron有pts,ast; 但你要o既big man除了pts,reb外, 仲有blk

如果你唔係要求20pts, biedrins, lee, bynum, gasol, harrington都會易d trade倒 (有時唔一定big name如howard, al jefferson先好用)
再唔係kg... 一定好平

deron唔同baron, baron仲有2 3pts 2stl吸引人

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2008-12-21 12:35 PM 編輯 ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009

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