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X講到你個stuckey咁差, trade佢俾我啦
訓喇, 聽日跑馬拉松
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-2-7 11:18 PM 發表
Nash既實力不用置疑。Beasley又只會越打越好 - 雖然你覺得拒無用﹐但拒既potential 絕對有價值。
Ryan Anderson - 有機會係第二個Bargnani...

Young - 呢個算最穩陣 ...
一個老將+兩個新仔都俾你trade倒, 仲講到人地咁賺, 服左你
nash o既背傷不用置疑, beasley o既防守又只會做隊波o既負擔, ryan anderson有機會係頭兩年o既水貨bargnani
stuckey o既光輝時間就黎重現(換唔換走iverson都好, 係時間要佢揹起隊波), young有機會成為第二個durant(iggy之後o既第二火力), boozer又會兩個禮拜後出黎帶番隊波打playoff(millsap個人成績好, 但身高所限, 隊波冇左boozer輸左好多場)
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-2-8 05:22 AM 發表
Trading rookies? I am just learning from you

如果個trade真係甘好點解我吾一早propose? 你估我之前臨吾到咩?

Nash既背傷你都講?甘個個都有傷啦﹐打到呢個階段有邊個nba player會係100%? It's inevitable wea ...
trade完之後講番自己球員有幾好無問題, 只係覺得又話人地球員有幾唔好就唔係咁好
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-2-8 06:22 AM 發表
i am still holding a third place in le2... without Brand, Zach Randolph for over a month....

i am still in wait and see mode for Nelson...
好似11號有report, 我有個league都hold住佢
jason terry睇黎會傷幾個禮拜
點解kobe 9隻手指打倒佢又唔得
i think you are "stupid" to accept this trade
maybe i am wrong, you are right...
only time will tell

if you want assist-oriented guy, i would prefer low-cost duhon, rondo rather than nash

besides, it seems you dun know much about the guys in the trade... nash, beasley, r.anderson, boozer, stuckey, t.young

一個願打一個願捱, i will not veto this time
but if you want more concrete opinion, i would still like to explain

[ 本帖最後由 R-Star 於 2009-2-10 10:18 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 terryjog06 於 2009-2-21 11:26 PM 發表
不過有幾個人一定唔會o係我隊波度咁耐 (granger, r.jefferson, oden)

有條問題想問好耐, 你用oden咁耐有冇諗過放佢?
定一話一直等佢爆? 到佢爆時又覺得佢會繼續爆
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-2-23 09:41 AM 發表
"Monta Ellis will be sidelined for one to two weeks after experiencing"occasional stiffness" in the same ankle that caused him to miss mostof the season, according to a press release issued by the W ...
one more player to drop...
start streaming
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-2-24 02:17 AM 發表
... give me a break...  i am trying to make playoffs here...

someone will pick him Monta Ellis for sure now...
here comes the consolation playoff

i want you to play with me ma
looks like the playoff final
excited than expected

hope everyone can enter the top6 playoff although it is unrealistic...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009

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