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原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-2-7 02:23 PM 發表

Injuries and sickness have invaded the NBA real hard....

another B...lol...
ya...another B, well, Andrea Bargnani could be the next ....
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-2-9 11:53 AM 發表

And it looks like one of those Andrew Bynum type of injury too... oh god... this is crap man...
from what i saw from the video and he said he felt a "pop", i think he has torn the ACL.....

[ 本帖最後由 feeon 於 2009-2-9 04:07 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-2-9 01:08 PM 發表
I wonder why ppl vetoed this time

Just to clarify, although I'm worried but I didn't press the button. EQ did you press?

This comes at a surprise because it came after 2 very poor perform ...
just curious, why u think EQ may veto the trade?
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-2-9 04:12 PM 發表

that will be very devastating for my team... and i may have to kiss this season good bye...
i wish i was wrong....
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-2-9 04:28 PM 發表

Beasley and Ryan Anderson were pretty lousy on Sunday....
I am not high on both players though...RA should be added and dropped through out the 2nd half...
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-2-9 04:45 PM 發表

Ryan Anderson is starting by default.. he is intriguing.... but can he do it in consistent basis? i am not sure...
Beasley....he will start on the bench unless Marion is traded....

i think Marion w ...
Marion for J.O....
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-2-9 06:07 PM 發表

dont think he would but just asking to confirm...If I am right, he should be more eager to have Nash than me wanting to have Boozer

This is frustratrating.. I still didn't hear from the mouth of ...
Yes, i did it this morning....i veto the trade becoz of the content, not against anyone. i hope X won't be mad at me...

I just think EQ is giving up too much for Nash ....if you can put in another quality player like CV or MW instead of RA, then i have no complain on it...

[ 本帖最後由 feeon 於 2009-2-9 11:51 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 R-Star 於 2009-2-10 09:49 AM 發表
i think you are "stupid" to accept this trade
maybe i am wrong, you are right...
only time will tell

if you want assist-oriented guy, i would prefer low-cost duhon, rondo rather than nash

that's becoz Nash is a BIG name player

i have nothing to say, i won't veto it this time...
原帖由 asurada001 於 2009-2-9 04:20 PM 發表

i hope you are wrong about it.... crossing my fingers ......
sorry ..."up"中左...
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2009-2-10 12:13 PM 發表
T-wolf's team will be quite tough after All-star break.


all returning...
fortunately, i don't have to face RR anymore.......
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009

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