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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009
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wht's the difference between this one and D-league?

which one could i join?

(i am the last year TribbleDouble )
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-5 06:40 PM 發表

It's the other one, this one is full ... waiting for more ppl to join the other one
so..this league is League One

D-League means League Two???

D-League 好少人呢
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-6 07:29 PM 發表

Yes we didn't have sufficient number atm... hopefully more ppl will join!!!

Anyone want to participate in League 2? Just for fun !!! Me and Elric has joined...
So, may i know the number of players in League One??

i joined this fantasy game last year and it should have 2 ppl who will relegate from League One to League Two, right?

That means....it should hv two people joining League Two later?

btw,,,D-League is League Two??
原帖由 Xtravagant 於 2008-10-7 09:38 AM 發表

Harvey was suppose to relegate but also won in le2 so he is staying.
Feuosma did not return this year and so his spot is replaced by Tommy (runner-up from le2).

Simple as that.

Keep in mind that  ...

but i dun suggest expanding league 1 to 14 players..it's too much actually...

( becoz 12 players is alrady too much to meXDD....10 is better)

i will join League 2...
and i may hv fds to come....

but they just started to play this game last year...
League only has 4 ppl...T^T

i think i would hv 1-2 fds joiningin..

but that's still not enough....

so...when could we decide the draft date...if there's more than 8 ppl?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » fantasy NBA League 2008 - 2009

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