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"Ferrari GG50"驚現Monaco街頭

The Ferrari GG50 is a concept car created by Ferrari to mark fifty years that Giorgetto Giugiaro had been designing automobiles. It was introduced at the 2005 Tokyo Motor Show.
[edit] Engine and PerformanceThe Ferrari F1 GG50 has special F1 modifications to make performance and speed better and faster. The GG50 uses a 65 degree V12 naturally aspirated petrol engine. The engine develops a peak power of 540 horsepower (400 kW) which translates to 94 horsepower (70 kW) per liter. The compression ratio is 11.2:1. The GG50 uses an odd sequential mode automatic transmission.

[edit] DesignThe GG50 is a 2+2 coupé supercar. Most of the cues of the interior design are from the similar Ferrari 612 Scaglietti, as well as part of the exterior design. Some cues, such as the steering wheel, derives from Ferrari's F1 vehicles of the past. Unique parts of the GG50 are its dashboard and the fact that the GG50 uses the AVIC–X1R satellite navigator created by Pioneer.


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  • clkgtr

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » "Ferrari GG50"驚現Monaco街頭

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