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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » 大家最鍾意邊個牌子既車?[樂+]
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Originally posted by DXneo at 2005-4-8 08:12 PM:
hahhaa, sorry man...
but then... there's a limited 30 vote choices

by the way, isn't McLaren=Mercedez?
Originally posted by crap at 2005-4-8 18:14:
hahhaa, sorry man...
but then... there's a limited 30 vote choices

by the way, isn't McLaren=Mercedez?
No, it use BMW engine and only produce 60 around the world,
HK got one $20,000,000 not include Tax, see the pic
Fastest Road car in the world
0 to 60mph in 2.9 seconds

[ Last edited by DXneo on 2005-4-8 at 06:23 PM ]


f1black.jpg (74.2 KB)
638 x 400 PIXEL下載


f1int02.jpg (15.3 KB)
300 x 221 PIXEL下載


f1black2.jpg (76.2 KB)
640 x 366 PIXEL下載

that's really fast....

is the car in HK in display or hv been bought already?
besides, is it a brand itself?
i love BMW...........and BMX..............hahahah
It a brand itself, but only produce one car yet only
other then the first 60,
later production Mclaren F1 is for Track Racing

It been display once at HK and only sold out one

[ Last edited by DXneo on 2005-4-8 at 06:38 PM ]
Originally posted by DXneo at 2005-4-8 08:31 PM:
It a brand itself, but only produce one car yet only
other then the first 60,
later production Mclaren F1 is cus---ised for Track Racing
wait a minute,
i'm confused now, u said it uses a BMW engine, but then Mclarenf1 is Mercedez's
Originally posted by crap at 2005-4-8 18:34:
wait a minute,
i'm confused now, u said it uses a BMW engine, but then Mclarenf1 is Mercedez's
It was produced before Mercedez brought the company, the car Mclaren F1 shows they are technicaly more advance then others

buy the way the car was produce about 8-9 years ago, still the fastest

[ Last edited by DXneo on 2005-4-8 at 06:43 PM ]
Originally posted by DXneo at 2005-4-8 08:39 PM:

It was produced before Mercedez brought the company, technicaly more advance then others
i understand now, u mean the company developed a model using BMW's engine, and then Mercedez takeover the company?
thx for explaining bro.
Originally posted by DXneo at 2005-4-8 08:39 PM:

It was produced b ...
o...i suddenly remember....
it appeared in the game Need for Speed, didn't it?
not at all, good to have someone share the interest,

yes, need for speed 2 actually
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » 大家最鍾意邊個牌子既車?[樂+]

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