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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » 最鍾意嘅旅遊地點, 最難忘嘅旅遊經歷[積極回應者+]
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1) Japan , 北海道  
Out door hot spring is the most execllent.  There is snow all around you but you soak in the hot spring so you're very warm. Sitting inside the hot spring naked and watch the snow falling on top  of your head is the best.  BTW, you have to be naked to be in a hot spring.  Very interesting experience to be naked in a public place.

2) France, Paris
So much to do, so many things to see.  There are great views, great museums, great food, great shopping (but on the expensive side).  I spend a week there but still wish I have more time.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » 最鍾意嘅旅遊地點, 最難忘嘅旅遊經歷[積極回應者+]

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