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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » [圖文]Cambodia: Angkor Wat[+]
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[旅遊區] [圖文]Cambodia: Angkor Wat[+]

If you enjoy historical building and great temples, Angkor Wat in Cambodia is a place that you must visit at least once in your life time!

I did a backpacking trip in 2002 alone. The 10 day journey started with a direct flight (4 hrs) to Phnom Penh (the captial city). This is supposed to be the crime capital of South Asia. Night life is extremely dangerous and I remember having all sorts of people asked me things...pretty scary. The city itself is good to visit during the day time with many temples and flea markets. I would suggest a 2 day stay in Phnom Penh...stay in good hotels, don't go too cheap....for health reasons.

Most people would take the plane from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap (the place for Angkor Wat). My suggestion is to take the water route along the Tonke Sap River instead. The boat costs $25 US and it takes 5 hrs on a noisy, disel operated boat...but the trade off is you get to see the rural communities (and the real Cambodia). Remember the sunscreen....

Angkor Wat is the reason why many visited the country. A realistic schedule would be 3-5 days minimal if you want to see all the major sites (as oppose to just taking pictures). Hire a guide along with a motorbike will get you basically everywhere....oh yeah, don't be stingy and buy the postcards and cloths from the kids at those tourist spots....

I will answer questions if anyone is interested in more details.


[ Last edited by william303 on 2005-7-6 at 12:02 AM ]

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 閒情逸誌 » [圖文]Cambodia: Angkor Wat[+]

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