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Link: http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/drilldown/N149949050913-1138.htm

第一位: (我凈係爭呢件咋)
Manufacturer: Umbro (although no motif displayed on shirt)
Years worn: 1962 to 1968 (originally with white shorts)
Distinguishable features: Round neck, large oval Liverbird crest
Memories it evokes: Shankly's first title triumph


Manufacturer: Umbro
Years worn: 1982 to 1985
Distinguishable features: White pin-stripe design
Memories it evokes: The treble winning season of 83/84


Manufacturer: Adidas
Years worn: 1987 to 1989 (change of sponsor in 1988)
Distinguishable features: Large club crest, three stripes on arms
Memories it evokes: The halcyon days of John Barnes


Manufacturer: Umbro
Years worn: 1976 to 1982 (Sponsor added in 1979)
Distinguishable features: V-neck design, small yellow Liverbird
Memories it evokes: Kings of Europe '77, '78 and '81


Manufacturer: Umbro
Years worn: 1968 to 1976
Distinguishable features: Round neck design, small white Liverbird
Memories it evokes: Early seventies success


Manufacturer: Reebok
Years worn: 1996 to 1998
Distinguishable features: White collars, large oval badge
Memories it evokes: Some swashbuckling football but no silverware


Manufacturer: Reebok
Years worn: 2000 to 2002
Distinguishable features: Red collars, badge moved to centre of chest
Memories it evokes: The unprecedented cup treble


Manufacturer: Adidas
Years worn: 1985 to 1987
Distinguishable features: Three stripes on the shoulder, white Liverbird and Adidas motif
Memories it evokes: Double delight in '86


Manufacturer: Adidas
Years worn: 1991 to 1993
Distinguishable features: Three diagonal stripes across the shoulder
Memories it evokes: FA Cup success in '92


Manufacturer: Reebok
Years worn: 2004 to present
Distinguishable features: Red collars and cuffs
Memories it evokes: Istanbul in May
小資料:其實由1960年代計起至2005年8月, 出過共17件紅色的主場球衣, 選"十大"是包含了60%到....其實落選主場球衣:

1989-91 主場

1992-93 主場

1993-95 主場

1995-96 主場

1998-2000 主場

2001-2003 歐聯/歐協主場

2002-2004 主場

[ Last edited by michaelyip.com on 2005-9-15 at 02:49 AM ]
D post真係好鬼正。

仲有Sport板飛機區 索女運動員、PE學生妹等緊你(新圖非附件~免分~)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » liverpoolfc.tv官網搞既:十件經典主場球衣選舉

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