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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [5/06吹水加分題]其實大家既網名和頭像有冇特別意思架
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For me, it's the place where  I call home now. We will host the Winter Olympics in 2010. Most of you may not care much about winter sports, but ice hockey is a big deal for me.) G, `; `5 {" j" N) w. c
2 H  L( Y- n8 Y: S1 `9 `
Gretzky is the name of the greatest hockey player in the recent decades. In a way he's my idol.1 ^  }6 i$ q) D

, E% r( @  }, ~. WReplies would be beautiful.: v7 R  J  z5 B( \/ D
* R4 D  j* `( A5 B# |3 L& L( i+ r
[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-5-6 at 11:10 AM ]
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-5-1 08:34 AM:: P- K6 X1 x2 d+ t' Z6 c; Z
For me, it's the pl ...
- y7 F; u" ?1 r7 y, s! t
. w1 q3 g) C# c! @/ u
My name......coz i couldn't think of one.... and then the word 'crap' flashed in my mind...1 P& R) Y8 U& q$ n' Z
and thats y my name's crap.......
2 g9 O' A# J. u% }, T/ i( N" C) K$ J# a% y- C, H, r. I/ X
for the Head....well... coz my horoscope is Cancer, and this is Saint Seiya Golden Cancer action figure's head=.="
- W. c" Q8 j" w! D0 s% fmany ppl have asked me to change it though...
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-5-1 08:34 AM:
7 o8 W& g! O9 X; m( S: TFor me, it's the pl ...
/ {- e1 C7 E1 S5 T5 Y, n

! ]8 W: Q7 B, K" ]hahhahaa, i think Gretzky's a nice name ar~
% F0 x0 v3 ~* T. j+ n. t3 s6 u% o9 R7 z/ |9 s) @7 x
besides, i love to watch bobsleigh <--- did i get the right word??
0 g% D) I8 O0 ~5 b% d6 Ci wanna try to play it one day
) k) E; G! V* g( d- @  Hbut i dunno much about ice hockey
Thank crap....I like your name too...brings a big grin to my face..) C& M4 J3 {' s# J
; W. p! G- E  p, \
bobsleigh (or you can call bobsled) is a difficult sport to play. The sled travels so fast (almost 200 km/h) and it takes so many to control the sled.. F+ p4 B  I+ {
% i. u: S2 W9 Z6 K
It's a sport for speed fanatics...dangerous but safer than Nascar/F1.

bobsled 001.jpg

bobsled 001.jpg (17.4 KB)
272 x 148 PIXEL下載

bobsled 002.jpg

bobsled 002.jpg (25.4 KB)
272 x 223 PIXEL下載

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-5-1 09:40 AM:
$ @1 d/ r4 N: ]& R4 A) J# l. kThank crap....I lik ...
3 _6 M1 l+ ~. t% ^

" Q( f0 u3 I0 V* ~hahahhaa, that's great, my pleasure
% h$ t0 k2 g, Z* j- e2 `+ L' S- A" S) @& D
: A: k( \2 |7 V: T! Si didn't know it's that fast=.="
2 p3 z5 B- F& g, x
: b& d% H% l6 D7 o0 _4 X' ti like it maybe it requires really good teamwork
' e# J! c9 y7 ?8 i
7 G$ O% y# i  A* ?/ J* o* H- ?well.... it seems that no body in this forum watch f1 except bro. Brightlee ~.~
1 H$ E$ \( X# Ii tried a couple of time in Sports board, no replies at all ~.~
login name: my name, nothing special  j& m& B! ?% H
Facial name? nothing too Speical, Freddie Ljungberg, one of my favour players I love in my life
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
my real name is 鵬8 T4 d4 l) ]7 Y. K  O# F, J7 z
so my name in here i call 月月鳥2 A" @+ l7 a) m1 ^
i use 月月鳥 's reason is this name is  special
9 n4 A, ^) S' {7 x% x( Band my pic is a bird ,it is because my last name is 鳥4 Z  d2 e2 b0 ?  d0 ~7 Y

" M* d+ v. m& K& y9 w+ Kother when i 印字時的時候,印一個字是20$,印3個字又係20,# a2 `; F5 F) l1 I
so the  鵬 change to 月月鳥 law
My 網名 is 膠佬 ,
2 R/ u6 w  {$ [9 y5 B2 P& L: wbecause my friends all call me that .
* @5 P7 X- j/ o* V& E7 ^2 ^............................& Y: V! y9 \- S3 L" }
My 頭像 is) ]; q* {+ M1 [( j8 e) R4 G! J5 }
http://www.26fun.com/bbs/customavatars/57927.jpg ,
- i* k. t7 x3 ^: QI use that because this 頭像 very kind .:p
+ u0 M" e, j* z) O3 X+ Q& ?
, A- w; ?& q; l6 qMy name is mean that coz I'm kind佬 !!!!!
+ w8 }+ P* x8 l$ J, X# s! }, {( k4 ^and my mouth is very big ,
* g& k. A* [' k5 V6 qit is my fd draw to me 1 h9 D/ }1 x4 }$ ~4 u

1 ]3 F) G% \0 k7 F% S[ Last edited by 膠佬 on 2005-5-6 at 01:04 PM ]
from my forum name, no need to tell in details if u like playing basketball or watching NBA
- {& ^. P; U# J2 S0 }# k: W9 TJason williams or J-Will or white chocolate have brought me a different feel on basketball, yes, jordan is the best for scoring and leading, but j-will also give me a lot of impression about passing, an entirely different value for me to watch! from him, i can know that passing can be so attractive in a game and he made me to change my playing style, to be a good PG!
<=知唔知係邊個?  娛樂大亨
0 y0 G% j; [: `好似好多人覺得佢d演技唔好? and 佢handsome嗎?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [5/06吹水加分題]其實大家既網名和頭像有冇特別意思架

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