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because that account becomes -1 point so i can't reply or post anything!
Originally posted by garycheung at 2005-9-4 02:14 AM:

月月鳥 -5 points off idiots for no reasons!
Originally posted by alalalalala at 2005-9-4 12:28 PM:
because that account becomes -1 point so i can't reply or post anything!

oh sorry,that so bad




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月月鳥, Did you even look at the titles of the posts???
they are stated 轉貼的, if you are so damn "CLEVER" to pick on 轉貼 & 轉片, from my level of chinese they do not mean any harm or such a BIG difference that you need to lock those posts and even 扣分! I think you are 'ho mo liu law'!
Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2005-9-4 01:30 PM:
By the way, I have even put the icons of a downloading clip at the title where you can see it is suppose to by a clip for downloading and watch.

I hope somebody in this forum could come up and say something fair about this.
Originally posted by alalalalala at 9/4/2005 15:09:
By the way, I have even put the ico...
hi., let me have a word in this....

first,, idiots' points were deducted because idiot did not followed the rules.  

second,,  as a member., u should at least look at the rules, before helping idiot complaining at the moderator..

third,   you should understand the situation before helping a member complain about a moderators work.

and i also have another personal question to ask...

are u the same person as the member idiot????

[ Last edited by tenmadio on 2005-9-4 at 11:16 PM ]
Originally posted by alalalalala at 9/4/2005 15:09:

By the way, I have even put the icons of a downloading clip at the title where you can see it is suppose to by a clip for downloading and watch.

I hope somebody in this forum could come up and say something fair about this.
he saw it....

thats why he 扣小左你 points...
每個mistake supose to 扣3個 points ..
but u broke the rules., he must deducted u points.. or other members will feel unfair... if he does not deduct u points

[ Last edited by tenmadio on 2005-9-4 at 11:38 PM ]
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