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Well, you can find good food all over Singapore. i would strongly recommend you to eat at the hawkers' centre. Try "ChompChomp" hawker centre at Serangoon, serves up all kinds of great food.

Below is a list of food which i think is great.....

1)Chinese food: Hainan chicken rice, fried hokkien mee, char kway tiao, cai tao guay, ba gu teh, chilli crab, black pepper crab, barbeque stingray, laska

2)Malay food: nasi lemak, mee rubus, mee siam, mee goreng, nasi brani, nasi goreng, satay

3)Indian food: Roti prata, roti john, mutton soup, murtabak

Just list these names and order accordingly to the hawkers, it's exactly how it sounds like.

For fun and leisure, s'pore doesn't have that many places to go. We have the best zoo in Asia, the beach at Sentosa is good for relaxing, but don't go on weekends. Try the Jurong Birdpark and Night Safari. Visit Geylang area, you can find lots of good food, but at the same time, it's a red light district, just take a look, eye-opener.

The town area, which is bugis, city hall, suntec city, orchard road is one whole stretch of wonderful shopping centres, here you can find all the high class cafes and restaurants as well.

Finally, if you want to watch live football, take a taxi, say you want to go muhammad sultan, it's a whole rows of clubs and pubs. Can watch football there, and also alot of pretty young girls Another place is Holland Village, similar to MS, but on a smaller scale.

Hope it helps!!

P.S. Send me a mail at [email protected] if you need more information. I stay in Singapore anyway.
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