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[音樂] Rock 'n' roll fans大討論, 喜愛音樂的請進入!!![樂+]

Hello Brother們!!!
Today 我想和大家討論我對rock and roll 音樂的興趣......我熱愛聽歌亦喜歡玩音樂, i can play piano and guitar.. The main reason i play guitar because i like rock n roll music and i think they are so cool.. 我最喜歡 Beyond(in hong kong), X-Japan( in Japan), Red hot chilli peppers and Gun and roses ( Foreign bands). 本人十分鼓勵大家一邊listen music, 一邊learn how toplay music. the feeling is really good if you can play your favourite music with your friends...
本人think learning guitar is good, also learning drum and base are really important to a band. Hope the people who can play or can not play music can express their idea....

I will keep on posting some guitar tab and piano tab from X- Japan for everybody... Hope you will like them...

First tab, is a song called " Art of Life" which is 30 mins long.. mainly describe the life of the drummer and captain of X-Japan- Yoshiki... Gd song but abit boring. Rank***

Second tab, is a song called "Endless Rain", probably is one of the best slow, smooth song from X-Japan... Strongly recommended.... Rank*****

Third tab, is a song called "Forever Love".  BEst Best Best song from X-Japan. They used it in the cartoon called "X".... They also used it in the funeral of Hide..........Rank*****...

Post the other again next time.. Please support me...thx

Art of life

Endless Rain

Forever Love

[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-4-11 at 10:45 PM ]
More pics for X-Japan


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198 x 382 PIXEL下載


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More guitar tab

Rusty Nail

Rusty Nail is a song who is full of energy, the tab is easy to learn.......Try...Rank:***


Tears is one of my favourite song, when Toshi starts to sing the english part, i may also want to sing together....... Good song... must try..Rank:*****


Weekend, good rock n roll song,,,, a bit difficult to play,,, however please try...
more pics


X-Japan01.jpg (44.9 KB)
340 x 527 PIXEL下載


Yoshiki.jpg (13.1 KB)
241 x 316 PIXEL下載

Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2005-4-11 08:01 PM:

i am afraid that not many people have Guitar Pro 3
but anyway , thz for share ~~

i am reading it now ^^
May be you are correct, not many people have Guitar Pro3, because Guitar Pro 3 is out of date, we have Guitar Pro 4 now.. You should go to the offical website to download it..........thx for sharing
Originally posted by austin666 at 2005-4-11 10:26 PM:



You may be correct, however i am just only 16 years old, however i really like to listen 英文碟..... highly recommand to hear

Heavy Metal: Metallica..... They are a bit old but still very popular.... Famous song: orion Rank****, Master of puppet Rank*****

A bit metal: Gun and roses, Oasis, Red hot chilli peppers, Nirvana...etc
Gun and roses: a really old band, late 80s and early 90s...... Gd band, their style is similar to X-Japan(one of my english friends told me), I think X-JApan has copied part of their style.... Songs: Sweet child O mine.. Best of the Best,, every english people knows this song,,, Rank*****; November Rain,,, similar to Endless Rain(X-Japan)... Rank***
Oasis: Gd bands...  Songs: Don't look back in anger, Rank*****wonderwallRank****

Thx for yr sharing
Originally posted by austin666 at 2005-4-12 01:10 AM:
其實以前 hxv有好多世界各地吳同的音 ...
Thx for yr idea and sharing
More guitar tab for X-Japan
World anthem

World anthem... a fair song.... not bad......Rank***

Rose of pain

Rose ofpain: a song last for 12mins,  at first is quite boring, later on is alright... but u may feel boring.........Rank***

wallpaper for brother...(from other website)


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » [音樂] Rock 'n' roll fans大討論, 喜愛音樂的請進入!!![樂+]

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