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首先衷心多謝 John Wu 兄, V妹, & Gretz 兄嘅意見 以上仁兄仁妹已經從煮食角度分享過, 等我從科学及煮食角度再同大家補充吓
3 I1 X0 ]& @( k8 C+ T, h+ X+ X3 W' f, @( ^- u* i! T3 V
兩件營養成份相同嘅牛肉, 價錢可以相差成五倍, 原因一個字,  "韌"
' Y9 {& J; F& x7 x; F' m* Z4 W! L& H. O/ z* V9 o# _
從科学角度嚟講, 動物越活動得多嘅部份, 例如 chuck (頸部与肩胛骨間的肉), shank (腿肉), 一般会筋多, 老牛嘅筋與筋之間又会有更多 collagen cross-link, 韌上加韌, 呢 d 肉都係適宜(火文), 因為(火文)会將 collagen 煮溶成 gelatin (舊式啫喱粉嘅成份), 減低韌度, 你(火文)過豬手就会知道煲嘢凍咗会好啫喱feel, 呢 d 就係 gelatin 喇, 通常呢 d 肉較平, 同埋只係, 唔係
. p& V" E7 a( v/ u7 ?9 A7 {  W* R, U! Y$ S1 s1 S
咁邊 part 唔韌? rib (肋骨) & loin (背), 呢 d 地方活動得少, 筋少, 如果識煮嘅話, 係唔應該会韌, 呢 d 部位嘅 cut 適宜 dry cook, 例如煎, 燒, 焗% C3 B- ~6 y7 v" P* X7 k' \3 d
# s5 q; S" l+ i4 [# g( X' i
咁邊 part 最靚呢, 當然係 John Wu 兄提及, 而我個人又好喜歡嘅 fillet mignon 啦, 通常成太会用 gretz兄既方法 pan fry, 或者用煎 pan 去每邊大火 sear 一分鐘, 再連 pan 放入 325 - 375 F 嘅焗爐焗 (tenderloin 嘅 cut 包括 chateaubriand, tournedos, medallions, fillet mignon, 及 tenderloin tips, 不過我都唔係好識分, 寫出嚟都係俾大家參考吓).
* ^+ U- f) {9 h& v- t' \: \5 q& o" Q5 @" {" [. ~0 V& _
而 John Wu 兄提及嘅 New York strip or strip loin, 一般都係用嚟 roast
5 B- b7 w6 p" e" U- F1 k$ B- w' J0 X" ^3 Q% A, C* d
食邊 part? 首先就睇你荷包有幾錢喇% i" G. q- [- r
1 s* P4 E8 t; m9 ?1 k8 s9 ^
講翻揀扒, 脂肪分佈 (fat marbling) 係好緊要, 分佈到雪花咁就梗係正啦, 其實扒味大多數係嚟自脂肪/ A6 h# N: Q2 ~( M' t

# e. B, O9 x7 J; b/ {9 {& u& `扒面應該感覺上係濕濕哋, 但唔可以有出水 feel, 扒越唔新鮮, 出水越多8 K: Q1 {% O! _' R- B  g

  s% m" O1 r# O. t. |4 I" l你應該聞得出鮮肉味, 唔新鮮嘅酸肉味係極之易分 (packing 保鮮紙係透氣嘅)
1 J( M- M# P7 y0 q% h) w  ^. Q9 Q5 _- _- ]
另一樣當然就係睇睇 packing 上面嘅 best before date 啦* q6 z* S% @" w! [2 F

: l9 @+ x4 S& s肉色方面, 當然越紅越好啦
4 f# M1 `; ]" f) v! l% A& J8 R: u6 R* B' b2 m" T- u4 U
(題外話: 其實新鮮 pack 好運送去超市嘅扒会放响一個有氮氣或二氧化炭嘅不透氣膠袋, 肉色當時会係啡色 [myoglobin 當時係缺氧], 一到超市就会從不透氣膠袋取出上架, d 肉即刻会遇氧變紅 [因為 packing 嘅保鮮紙係透氣嘅, 啡色嘅 myoglobin 会 oxygenated to 紅色嘅 oxymyoglobin], 呢 d 就係大家常見鮮肉嘅紅色, 但當到期嗰陣, 肉上面嘅細菌会將 oxymyoglobin breakdown, 而 display 嘅燈光亦会 induce oxymyoglobin oxidation, 令肉失去鮮紅色.)
. h% Y  l7 S2 K# j# k+ ^( X# i) L- b# ?% z4 A! I- p
[ Last edited by singgeihot on 2005-6-8 at 08:42 AM ]
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
gretz 兄同 v妹既煮法係好 make sense 同埋有科学根據, 有時得閒会同大家分享
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by abc123aa at 2005-6-8 04:41 AM:
: i' F. b8 J2 m' n& W; O5 ]  {5 {2 z$ u: B& `
* U* ]# D, a; h" M5 `8 B  N; M7 o: V' _- a
小心 d 好, 呢 d info 响大学教科書有寫, 唔係人云亦云架
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
樂兄, I'll reply your question in details after work. Also, I still need to find time to write you my suggestions.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-8 09:15 AM:# `  H' I* Y( S7 o
Another thing to know when buying s...
$ f- Z8 p1 M; @% p& A/ r. b% \# t/ w  ?) @. ?' D. }0 _
Wow, this brings back the things that I've learned during my undergrad days. it's good that you have brought up this issue. Most people don't know anything about aging of meat. I'll try to simplify the science so that most people would understand it.% o) W  ]6 B2 s
$ ]7 _( K5 H3 u! ]# m! M+ l
The reason why meat is aged is due to rigor mortis (stiffness after death). After the animal is slaughtered, homeostasis (internal balance of body functions) stops. The energy within the muscle tissues will eventually be depleted. The cross links between actin and myosin (muscle fibers) do not get broken down due to the lost of energy. The meat becomes stiff. This happens to all animal including human.... that's why 死屍会彊硬....
& O0 F$ \& I% |, n8 e: Q! V/ S3 kThe meat becomes less stiff after enzymes such as cathepsins and calpains start breaking down the muscle proteins. 8 s, G9 w- Q" L; Z
" S  P% _3 {. N) u: C0 `# j
Regarding dry aging and wet aging. Yes, dry aging can be done for more than 28 days. To my best knowledge, it is done at gourmet restaurant or small meat shops that prepare meat for gourmet restaurants. The reason why it is not commonly done is because it is expensive to have large refrigerated storage with good humidity control.... when it's too humid, you get mold growth. If this is the case, you would have to trim off quite a lot of meat, and much would be wasted.4 s) B  }) c; F

% E. _) V: _/ u4 e* n4 ]  ADry aged meat are good because they tend to be very tender and have a stronger flavor. I'm not sure about the flavor, but it might be the peptidase releasing more meaty flavor from the proteins.
0 G# Z- N- F3 b+ @' w  S; _/ A9 B
' }: d1 N, u+ wWet aging is the common method, and is done with vacuum seal bags. Usually takes a day.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-6-8 11:43 PM:
; ~! L! J4 z! v5 L6 H0 N多謝咁多位熱心解答, 已加分+ g) X* n' f  I0 V/ k) S8 A
' G$ Y/ h5 q& G7 a- i& c& S2 b( X8 T/ z- j- a2 ?
成太話急凍肉類如果有雪味, 你又怕雪味嘅話, 最好就煮 d 濃味嘅菜式, 例如泰式懶人咖喱, 好易煮, 我哋一個好懶煮飯嘅泰囯朋友教嘅, 份量好隨便, 濃味落多 d, 淡咪落少 d, 可以一路落, 一路試味9 G" _6 d2 Y* }! r" d9 \7 A

+ g4 M; p4 W' A$ p材料:
& ]7 b* M) f( R, S$ v解凍咗嘅凍肉, 切球或切片 (雞, 豬, 牛, 羊), 預先醃定或唔醃都得
  [& {3 ]8 h/ Z6 w0 b( D/ a: M椰漿 (兩罐)1 v+ G0 g) _0 I8 o  k5 m8 f/ W. n
泰式架喱醬, 紅, 黃, 綠 都得 (三湯匙)
3 j0 O: t3 G: d5 @0 v  J6 b# q* G筍 (半至一罐)- p6 U# Y: `, X$ i  [4 ~! e
- Y7 @) ?" ~& H% s& S  g魚露
5 h, z' E" q# [6 U7 k7 PThai basil (少許)
4 r# Y9 L, a# y  z4 N4 m# _青檸葉 (少許), Y! y& d5 [6 L3 g: `8 m

$ b2 A, P$ Z& C: M2 H9 E' D& n1 k, f: c) j

0 z' F# X) Z3 W" }+ [+ J$ g做法:: Q' A- e5 X( x8 R0 h/ A2 c
易潔鑊先落油, 再燒熱, 落蒜蓉及肉, 煎熟, 待用
( ]+ H: P; ^/ C+ E$ l可以一心二用嘅話就响煎肉嘅同一時間用煲煮熱椰漿, keep 住攪, 落架喱醬, 再 keep 住攪,   v) [; j8 r( P5 S3 \' h/ t
架喱醬溶晒就試味, 唔夠濃再落多 d, 跟住落筍, Thai basil, 及 青檸葉, 再攪, 9 Z) N0 s+ E1 a2 n( H
然後放埋 d 煎好咗嘅肉, 9 w: K4 N) h9 v$ V
跟住落魚露, 鹽, 糖, 輕手 d, 邊落邊試味& E, L4 |: f! ?& c
& Z4 L9 o' F4 e7 K0 S! k  [% v; D% K4 I) Q
如果我哋兩個都好忙, 成太会食三分一, 雪三分一, 冰三分一, 咁就幾日唔駛煮餸喇
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-9 05:47 PM:
( Z7 C4 i- o+ f, fme three (I mean I'm a gal) 你信唔信?5 t* x7 }/ X, D
) C& K4 ~8 Y+ Y4 [
All of a sudden everyone is off topic! Haha...
- R1 b" Y# d" n! N* J
3 W1 c! h) ?8 w  r  ?信, we are the three female musketeers. haha
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
早排有 member 問點先算一杯好咖啡, 以下專業意見係由我一個研究咖啡嘅教授朋友提供
1 Z& |7 S6 h/ Z8 p* |
! T$ R! t2 d9 g' [7 u四大 Factor" ]: H* ]( V) [0 z1 D. n, b8 y0 z

' i: s1 _* \2 b+ {1) 磨粒粗幼度 (grind size) # {5 U0 C7 J. Y5 U- P; v
     Expresso - 幼
4 ~$ f/ p# U  x  C9 i8 Q     Drip (一般咖啡机) - 中 4 I2 h; \1 ~, z3 e' t6 ~) K8 i
     Percolator - 粗 (Percolator - 濾煮式咖啡壺, 見圖)! h8 B& C$ S/ |" l5 f, `+ B) ?
' f6 G" @' i# X- k' `2 k  }: Z; ~5 S" ~- U1 i; U4 r/ J
2) 水溫 - 攝氏 98 度
& W' n/ P2 D5 ~# t4 {4 E0 F% j8 J
- H3 j. I- a- g2 A! _* h3 E8 S3) 水質 - 最好用蒸餾水8 u0 M7 Y4 C( ^& Q3 ~

; p+ N6 g  e9 V+ _$ Z- V. `4) 咖啡新鮮度
# d6 H  Z3 x' S$ j; b( [5 I     - Roast 完嘅咖啡豆要等24小時先好磨
9 m, ]8 F- h* |     - 打磨咗嘅咖啡粉要兩週內冲& Q3 I) ^8 V4 S1 o
     - 呢兩週內咖啡粉要貯存响冰格 (用密封盒)6 V$ m2 @  V- s3 H

: |. L, K+ L6 y6 Y最後, Arabica 係靚豆, Robusta 較次等
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Continued from Post # 35: .....that's why 死屍会彊硬..... 1 Z- y; S4 o/ U! L- X  l
5 M# }8 p7 C- ^. |6 ^  S
When the meat is aged, the meat becomes less stiff after enzymes such as cathepsins and calpains start breaking down the muscle proteins. However, it takes time for these enzymes to breakdown the meat proteins. The time taken for the enzymatic breakdown is known as the aging process.
5 k* N& N9 x; _3 Q$ e( q+ I! s
I hope the above would explain it better.
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-11 01:39 PM:
( _- `, O1 U6 m- o( a% bMr/Ms Sing,
* W- t! ~# o  P) `% v
; Q" ]) F4 V1 y* P4 c* K, d! QI suggest our next topic to be :6 Y; k' W6 L' O2 N; z- N& s
1) Beer" G; h5 s1 B. a- `
2) Wine
. N) c& ^6 g- b; m. C# d2 u; A  r. J1 A' h7 s3 k1 D6 C( A- |
What do you think?
1 B0 w0 N: B4 Z" y) ^

6 T0 R6 ~; u' g# x1 C梗係好啦, 你係主持之人, 搞乜都得 3 i+ k5 R& y( O
不過成太唔飲得酒, 我都係間唔中飲吓啤酒, 所以就無乜意見, 但係我有 d  n 年前嘅 lecture notes on the science of wine and beer making. 可能会有 d 用 / r+ f4 r; ~* ~6 e

. a+ u& O4 f3 H' ~: j9 u希望 Gretz 同 Vivi 有多 d 嘢分亨吓啦
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
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