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Originally posted by 樂壇渣Fit人 at 2005-6-7 07:49 PM:. s- a4 S3 k4 E: v, f: n& D
成太, 我想問如何挑選一塊靚既牛扒?; Z4 Y. t6 F, f7 X8 K) E" ?
有何秘訣?; U: m: }7 h( ?7 p: G- r( P

+ l; \1 W0 `" H& e8 dthanks in advance
+ k( ?. ]% c6 ^( r1 q9 C0 d9 B

6 j  X/ `. K! U3 cI can help in this :* ?3 A3 f6 L, \2 ~9 m

5 t9 t' F" p8 A% y% \$ ~8 NSteak come in many different cuts.  The price and texture and favor is different...
6 J+ w/ Q3 I: [# L! O" ^; m: L3 o8 a  q! I, L8 K, T/ @
1) Filet Mignons (tendorlion)
1 k; g$ P3 i! ]. GMost expensive, most tender,boneless,  medium fat, medium favor.
2 }; X# s. z9 }; U6 Q& j
8 D. h9 _4 o  [( g0 ^: o. ^2) rib steak (with bone) and rib eye (boneless)" o4 B2 H" k7 }3 u6 G
High fat, soft, highest favor (because of the fat)
' U& @( ~( e8 R& i2 [1 \3 k- W8 \3 D+ w+ c* a0 @3 Y
3)Strip\New York Steak/ x: R- z3 k8 [9 D& X6 {
Strong favor, boneless, medium fat, less tendor than the two above
' U& X( a, X/ ?5 f0 j
  A  c5 u' Q1 H. D/ C0 [$ x+ P4)sirloin, l  B3 A8 G, f8 K% t+ N7 V  T" v
Lean, tougher, cheaper
4 _* o  C: C7 ~, Z% }( v
0 l9 m+ i$ k4 n1 P5) T-bone- T, M2 F6 t- v) `# b
T-bone is a special cut that has the T shape bone
7 u  k1 T  i9 Z; n3 Y$ S2 iUsually the larger side of the meat is Sirloin, and the smaller side is  Filet Mignons
) ?: X/ N# U+ P4 @6 C0 r" f0 o/ t& V7 S& W( ]! v+ q% L
I personally like Filet Mognon or Rib eye the best because they are the most tender.  And I perfer Rib eye over filet because of the better favor.1 X% \! q9 O# L! }4 G9 ]9 s

1 q1 i) s9 |" h5 ~8 T; @7 z6 A, qSteak is best grill on open fire or special high tempature oven.
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
You guys have to try grilling steak on open fire.
9 Y( m3 B& d7 c% K2 H1 mIt's the best because you don't need to add any oil, and keep the raw favor of the steak.
  d2 {, E( t; _* i4 u; {0 v+ U  E8 C" h* y1 X3 q  I
But I guess it would be hard to do if you don't have a outdoor grill.
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Another thing to know when buying steak is "aging".; @/ S, k+ S8 t

1 o& l9 |! F: n7 E6 I: ^! i9 RSing can explain the science behind this.5 K4 D- n: |$ O/ H5 G

; N  k  }5 r' S6 s9 m5 jAging is a process that store the steak in a low temputare enviroment for usually 28 days or more.  This process make the steak taste better.  There are 2 kind of agina method, "dry age" and "wet age".  "dry aged" steak is more expensive and is perfered 0 g8 S0 s# g( Y! h! C

& p1 H9 d2 `! l( d) USo aged steak cost more than fresh steak.  The price difference can be more than double for a aged steak in north america.  The best steak house always served dry aged steak.  So next time the you go to a resturant, you know what kind of stuff they are serving you.
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
This is a vacuum coffee machine, you can find most of the Japanese Cafe in HK use this kind of machine to brew coffee.; A, K0 t/ L9 s

% W, \, h4 u8 \: pI love this because this is very interesting to watch. , m' H8 D! p0 F. O5 u. `6 \6 d
$ `  B: j4 s* @1 I- O) W
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Mr/Ms Sing,$ A) o2 t" F, }" U) {4 T) d
- p3 O( Z( g+ r
I suggest our next topic to be :! Y6 g0 W; _" G+ h7 r% Z
1) Beer
, }* }9 x% Q& J3 N) [+ }% w- u2) Wine/ M5 B% U. U0 O2 \$ o! c/ l% c9 D
9 u0 [$ `9 Y, v0 P
What do you think?
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 【飲食天地】交流烹調技巧 發表食府品評 肯分享實加分

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