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Secret of cooking thick steak:
. E2 l* Q0 b. Y7 I
4 J# P( Z0 [( s; KMake sure you have lots of oil (olive oil better) and the pan is thoroughly hot. Dried the steak with towel, seasoned with a bit of salt and pepper...turn the heat to high....fried the steak on one side for about a min...flip to the other side and do the same. By now you should have the two sides 'caramelized', meaning the 'crust' is now burned. TURN THE HEAT DOWN TO LOW-MED or LOW...keep flipping from time to time...cooking time varies (depending on the thickness).
8 y# J7 {4 @6 I; P: g1 U$ J& T
8 s3 w, B5 E1 A" J+ y" P8 W( E- y- ROne thing not to do: NEVER PRESS THE STEAK with your ANYTHING...THE JUICES WILL COME OUT!!!!!& d6 ^( c: B8 a) N- Z
% ^: \7 h# G, f
I don't like the add on sauce...simple steak with marsh potato is the best.

Secret of cooking thick steak:
2 w' j, \) ?( v! ]9 `) J
: H4 D8 U0 C2 q$ ~4 rMake sure you have lots of oil (olive oil better) and the pan is thoroughly hot. Dried the steak with towel, seasoned with a bit of salt and pepper...turn the heat to high....fried the steak on one side for about a min...flip to the other side and do the same. By now you should have the two sides 'caramelized', meaning the 'crust' is now burned. TURN THE HEAT DOWN TO LOW-MED or LOW...keep flipping from time to time...cooking time varies (depending on the thickness).
2 E  h4 l4 g8 K; i2 u" Y5 L4 [
8 X9 Q. u0 z( O: K' i5 P( i! K9 `One thing not to do: NEVER PRESS THE STEAK with your ANYTHING...THE JUICES WILL COME OUT!!!!!5 {# ^; y7 ~# U5 P7 h9 N. P( ~

9 z0 P6 K6 @- p, |) a9 ]& {5 yI don't like the add on sauce...simple steak with marsh potato is the best.

15 min Easy Lemon Chicken Wings

Ingredients: Chicken 'middle' Wings (10 pieces); 3 soup spoons of brown sugar and 4 to 5 slices of lemon.' I, i$ O7 ~% U' X8 E
) D5 k% ?: h! W+ ^, u. q  H/ s
1)Take the wings out from fridge. Wash and dry them. Room temperature. Little salt on wings.
; \+ R( k+ p% m" @7 Y2)Heat pan, pour oil, fried the wings until 90% done.
/ h# f, V& ?1 G  h% h3 z3)Put lemon slices, sugar and 1/2 of hot water to pan. Stir for a minute and put the lid on for 6-10 minutes (or the water turns into sauce)3 y+ b3 k& i% T! w
7 m, z+ ]4 U4 o1 W

Thanks for the recipie....you can actually post it here (just up stairs)
* b1 c: K4 H  e1 {) ^7 w4 R/ W4 `$ Z. g. o, h
【飲食天地】交流烹調技巧 發表食府品評 肯分享實加分

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 【飲食天地】交流烹調技巧 發表食府品評 肯分享實加分

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