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DVD Recorder with HD

邊錄邊看 dvd-ram 就一定得, hd?? 唔知
Originally posted by stephenma at 2005-9-14 10:41 AM:

[ Last edited by Che9sin on 2005-9-15 at 12:26 PM ]
Originally posted by d228216 at 9/14/2005 11:49:
邊錄邊看 dvd-ram 就一定得, hd?? 唔知
hd=high definition

to stephenma

i am bad in chinese.. so might misunderstood u but.. are u asking if dvr can...
一路看錄影了的電視節目, 一路同時錄影令外一個電視節目?

depends on which dvr u have.. some cannot...but usually it can...

so my answer will be yes.....
Originally posted by tenmadio at 9/16/2005 08:09:

hd=high definition

hd.. in chinese.. i think it is call
高畫質... high definition
Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-9-16 09:19 AM:

hd.. in chinese.. i think it is call
高畫質... high definition
he's talking about hd(Hard Disk), mate.
Originally posted by ashlai at 9/16/2005 10:52:

he's talking about hd(Hard Disk), mate.
i not so sure about that...
but when i learn electronics ... hd means high definition...

but a lot of people mess up hd as hard disk...

<-------i was one of them
because hd usually means high definition...

if a dvr has a hard disk... they usually just say dvr with hard disk

need to wait for the original poster to answer me first..... to answer me first..

[ Last edited by tenmadio on 2005-9-17 at 10:37 AM ]
Originally posted by stephenma at 2005-9-14 10:41 AM:
"HD" in computer term mean hard drive or hard disk and "HD" in video
term mean high definition. In this particular case anyone who's into sound & video
know it mean hard disk. I don't believe their are high definition dvd recorder
in the consumer market at this moment.
Originally posted by gettinglay at 2005-9-18 01:49 AM:

"HD" in computer term...
Originally posted by kenlabs at 2005-9-18 07:05 PM:

yes, you are correct on that, most people will use "hdd" or hard disk drive.
but "hd" or "hdd" are just an abbreviation, not a law or anything. alot of people
will just use "hd" for short. we can't say that they are incorrect since an abbreviation
could mean differently in different industry.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 影音數碼講 » DVD Recorder with HD

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